
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Ladd Village Board met Sept. 24

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Rhonda Bezely, Village Clerk | Shaw Local Website

Rhonda Bezely, Village Clerk | Shaw Local Website

Village of Ladd Village Board met Sept. 24

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Ladd Village Board met in regular session on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, in the Ladd Village Hall at 121 N. Main Avenue. Village President Frank Cattani called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and led the pledge of allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: Present: Trustees Dave Margherio, Dan Nelson, Brad Nicholson, Andy Ruggerio, Molly Thrasher (5)

Absent: Trustee Jan Martin (1)

In attendance: Village Clerk Rhonda Bezely, Treasurer Julie Koch, Superintendent Doug Englehaupt, Engineer Adam Ossola, and Police Chief Jacob Frund

Nicholson motioned/Margherio second to accept the September 10, 2024, regular meeting minutes as presented.

Ayes: Margherio, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Martin

Nelson motioned/Ruggerio second to authorize payment of the bills for $223,153.12.

Ayes: Margherio, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Martin

Thrasher motioned/Nicholson second to accept the Treasurer's Report for August 2024.

Ayes: Margherio, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Martin

Correspondence: None

Public Comment: None

Committee Reports: Margherio spoke with the 300 S Brush Ave residents regarding their request to trim branches in the 2 trees on the berm. They thought the Village would come out and trim these trees. Margherio explained that the Village only removes branches that pose a safety concern when they are dead. The residents understood.

Engineer’s Report: New Business: Pass Agreement Lead Line Grant: Ossola reported to the board on the Engineering Agreement for the GIS Mapping on the Lead Service Line Inventory. This is $15,000.00 of the $30,000.00 grant we received. Margherio stated that hearing all the information provided this could potentially be a big project. Ossola stated that we have 15 years to get this completed. We must do 7% of these replacements each year. Ossola’s recommendation is to move forward with just 7% annually in hopes that grant money becomes available to help small Villages with this potentially huge cost. Bezely has reached out to the State Lead/Copper Coordinator twice and has not heard anything back. She stated that the mandated letters that are going out this Friday have the Village Clerk’s Office phone number on them and state to call for information on our lead service line replacement program. Including any programs available that may provide financing solutions to assist property owners in replacing the customer-owned portion of a lead service line. Bezely is concerned she doesn’t have any of these answers. Ossola stated to let residents who call know the state hasn’t gotten back to us yet with any possible funding information. Margherio asked who determines who cannot pay for these repairs. Ossola stated that we can set something up that will determine how this IEPA Mandated repair is paid for. The Village can do monthly billings for residents who must have their line replaced on their side of the service line. Cattani asked if the resident was responsible for the buffalo box to their house. Ossola stated yes, but it is still required to be changed out even if the resident can’t afford the repair. Englehaupt stated that doesn’t mean the Village can’t perform the work, it just means that we must collect the cost from the residents when it is on their side of the service line. Unless the homeowner signs a waiver that refuses to let anyone on their property to check the service line or perform the work. Englehaupt stated that all the information he has read on grant money only allows the work to be done by a contractor, then the grant money can be used to pay a contractor. The Village cannot be paid with any of the grant money. Margherio asked what the average cost is for each repair, and Ossola stated $10,000.00 per repair. Englehaupt stated that if the 396 unknown service lines need replacement of lead lines, this could potentially cost the Village 4 million dollars. We only have 1 month left to investigate the 396 unknown lines, the month of October, to get potholing done before the November 1st deadline. Discussion ensued regarding organizing all these parameters needing to be determined. Ossola also stated the other $15,000.00 will go toward potholing through Illinois Valley Excavating. We are still waiting to hear back from them. Again, this all has to be completed by November 1, 2024.

Thrasher motioned/Margherio second to Pass the Agreement with Chamlin & Associates for Engineering Services for the Lead Service Line Inventory Grant for GIS Mapping for $15,00000.

Ayes: Margherio, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Martin

Englehaupt questioned the board as to whether they should make a motion to approve $15,000.00 for potholing also, so if IL Valley Excavating replies to Ossola we can get them started before the next council meeting on October 8th since we only have until November 1st to spend this grant money and get as many unknown lines looked at to determine what type of piping is present.

Nicholson motioned/Thrasher second to Approve Up to $15,000.00 Towards Potholing for Inspection of the Lead Service Line Inventory Grant.

Ayes: Margherio, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Martin

Superintendent’s Report: New Business: Roof on Park Restrooms: Englehaupt told the council that he has requested Chad Vaini look at the roof on the restroom at Kennedy Park and War Memorial Park. He was told that Kennedy Park doesn’t need to be replaced but when it does Vaini would highly recommend replacing it with a metal roof to match the shed and the press box which would look aesthetically pleasing. War Memorial Park restrooms do need a new roof but Englehaupt has not received the quote yet. Once the quote is received we will put this back on the agenda for consideration. Nicholson asked about the radio that recently got installed in the new bucket truck. Nicholson questioned if this radio came off the shelf did it get the PL tone added to it when we had Ragan add the PL tone in 2023 due to the excessive chatter on the radio. Englehaupt will reach out to Ragan Communications if he notices excessive chatter. President Cattani mentioned to Doug that the Kennedy Park and War Memorial Park garbage needs to be emptied twice a week. Englehaupt stated that typically it is done the day before garbage is picked up. Englehaupt stated that in the past it has always been done by whoever is running the concession stand. He stated if people are waiting for Englehaupt to do it they’ll be too full. They fill up the night of the games. Thrasher stated that it should not be the responsibility of the concession stand workers. Our city workers should be doing it. Englehaupt stated by the time he gets there the next day they’re too full to remove. The concession stand workers need to remove them when they’re ½ full. Englehaupt feels that this is what needs to be done. Englehaupt will check them daily. Cattani said yes, check them at least twice a week. Englehaupt asked Thrasher to do the same, if the garbage is ½ full empty it. If she is unable to take the bag to the dumpster leave it and Village employees will pick it up. Bezely asked how the concession stand workers even knew to do this. Koch stated she would call the school tomorrow and bring it to the attention of the PTO. Perhaps a laminated sign can be hung in the concession stand letting workers know about emptying the garbage when ½ full.

Police Chief: Chief Frund told the council that it has been a very busy month. Frund reported the in-car cameras and body cameras have arrived and are currently being installed. It is close to all the cameras being operational.

Building Inspector: Not in attendance. 

Village Attorney: Not in attendance.

New Business: Façade Grant: The application was received from Amore’s Pizzeria, Pietro “Frank” Alfano. Alfano is seeking a $500.00 grant for materials being used on the front of his building at 105 N Main Avenue. Alfano is using the stone on the entire front of the building. He will complete his project and then Flanagan will inspect things for accuracy. Bezely will then request the board to allow payment of the grant funds at that time. He plans to be open sometime in October. Margherio motioned/Nelson second to Approve the application for Façade Grant for Amore’s Pizzeria.

Ayes: Margherio, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Martin

New Business: 2024 Christmas Walk Donation: The 2024 Christmas Walk Committee submitted a letter requesting a donation from the Village of Ladd to hire entertainment for this year’s walk. 50/50’s are being sold again to raise money for this wonderful event instead of asking all the businesses for more than the advertising donation that is requested every year.

Thrasher motioned/Ruggerio second to Donate $1,000.00 to the 2024 Ladd Christmas Walk Event.

Ayes: Margherio, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Martin

Nicholson asked who was on the committee for the Christmas Walk. Bezely stated her, Phil & Mary Ann Hocking, Sammi Sarosinski, Julie Koch, Jacob Frund, Christy Crowther, Sue & Curt Frund, Tim & Kathy Martin, Molly Thrasher, Diane Chandler, Wendy Edington, Deb Evelhoch, Laurie Bersztaitis, Heidi Templeton, Gregg & Chris Ripka, Jan Martin, Brad & Linda Nicholson, Dave & Jeannie Margherio, Brandy Groleau, Angie Leonard, and Nadeen Virgo were all invited to attend planning meetings also.

New Business: Resolution to Close Main Ave on December 14, 2024: A resolution was prepared and explained to the council to request the temporary closure of Route 89 for the 2024 Christmas Walk on December 14, 2024, from 1 pm to 6:30 pm.

Nelson motioned/Nicholson second to Pass Resolution #1174 for the 2024 Ladd Christmas Walk in the Village of Ladd and the Temporary Closure of Illinois Route 89.

Ayes: Margherio, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Martin

Announcements: The Baseball Committee for Ladd Parks met last Wednesday, Steve Bosi spoke with a guy from Peru regarding the cost of removing the grass from the infield. If the Village Public Works employees remove the grass this would cut the cost in ½. They are requesting the Village of Ladd give $5,000.00 to get the dirt, topsoil, or whatever else is needed to resurface the small diamond. Joe Brandner will be contacted to see if he can help with his equipment along with other volunteers. The idea is to make changes to the field such as moving the outfield back farther and making more infield which would allow 11U and 12U to play on this field and still be okay for Tee Ball to play on this field. Dalzell has a team that plays in their town, Spring Valley has a team that plays in their town and Ladd is trying to do the work to bring the field up to the playing status necessary to secure a team to play their season of home games in Ladd. Koch stated that each town takes care of the needs of their town’s field. The request for $5,000.00 will be placed on the next agenda. Koch stated that on October 12th there is a meeting and at that time Ladd Baseball Committee will try to secure a team to have Ladd as their home field. Another concern about Ladd is who will prep the field when there are games. Spring Valley has a parks department and they prep the fields for the games. Koch isn’t sure what Dalzell does. Frund mentioned in Granville that he has the coaches prep the fields. The committee asked if the summer help could be taught how to prep the fields with Englehaupt’s approval. Cattani stated that he would speak with Brandner about using his skid steer to remove the grass and if he is not able to help he will speak with Starline Construction. Margherio stated that Bosi spoke with him regarding the big diamond where the Village put $8,000.00 into the backstop. He stated that they still lose a lot of balls due to the fencing not being high enough. 

He mentioned possible poles with a netting be erected to stop the balls. Lights would be very beneficial for the big diamond so that games can be played into the evening. There would be a bigger reason to use Ladd’s field. The Village Lot on N Main Ave next to the Frontier building looks terrible due to the brush that has grown up around the trees. This has recently attracted kids making a fort which recently created a dangerous situation. Bezely requested the President have the trees trimmed up to make this area look nicer. President Cattani stated that trimming the lower branches of this area would deter area children from playing back there and getting into trouble. 2023 Safe Routes to School Non-Infrastructure Grant: Bezely stated that she and Sammi Sarosinski met with State of Illinois representatives regarding the 2023 Non-Infrastructure SRTS Grant. Once a signed grant agreement is received Sarosinski will order materials and move forward with getting the Pop Up Traffic Garden scheduled for next Spring. Bezely & Sarosinski will handle all necessary paperwork for this grant. NCICG’s Shug Grosenbach and Duane Calbow are retiring and this Thursday, September 26th from 12-4 they invite us to stop by and wish them well. Bezely mentioned the War Memorial Park Restrooms needing some attention the next time a grant is available. There were issues with the toilets overflowing during the trivia night recently whenever someone was washing hands and the toilet was flushed. Bezely also made mention of the urinal that was running and asked Englehaupt if it was fixed. Englehaupt was not aware of any issue. Bezely stated that Liebe was told about it the weekend of the trivia night and she wasn’t sure if it got resolved. A letter was received from 10/33 Ambulance explaining a rate increase for 2025. With the recent hospital changes and OSF’s contract with Stark County Ambulance, 10/33 must increase their per Capita rates for 2025. A letter from 10/33 was distributed to all council members. Bezely explained in 2024 the Village paid $12,630.00 for our Village residents. In 2025 this is slated to increase to $45,468.00. We only appropriated $25,000.00 so we cannot pay more than that in the 2025 fiscal year. We can pay monthly to stay within our appropriations if that’s what the board would prefer. Englehaupt spoke about what he knows regarding the situation since Heather McCutcheon is one of Ladd’s representatives with 10/33. Discussion ensued. Comcast channel lineup change will take place on October 1, 2024. NBC Sports Chicago due to NBC Sports Chicago is ceasing operations, as a result, NBC Sports Chicago will no longer be available on Comcast.

Margherio motioned/Nicholson second to move out of regular session into executive session Section 2 (c) Collective Negotiating Matters Between Public Employers and Their Employees or Representatives at 7:37 pm.

Ayes: Margherio, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Martin

Returned to regular session at 7:45 pm.

President Cattani requested a roll call.

Roll Call Present: Margherio, Nelson Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher (5)

Absent: Martin

Also present were President Cattani, Treasurer Koch, and Clerk Bezely

Old Business: IBEW Labor Agreement: After reviewing the final draft of the labor agreement approval was provided.

Nicholson motioned/Ruggerio second to Approve the IBEW Labor Agreement for the Period of 7/1/2024 through 6/30/2027 as of 9/24/2024, retroactive to 7/1/2024 and Authorize President, Frank Cattani to sign on behalf of the Village of Ladd.

Ayes: Margherio, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher, President Cattani - Motion carried

Absent: Martin

Margherio thanked Nicholson and Cattani and all that were involved in the negotiations for their efforts. 

Cattani requested a motion to approve, not release, the executive session minutes provided to the council members for review from the 9-10-2024 meeting. 

Thrasher motioned/Margherio second to Approve the Executive Session Meeting Minutes from 9-10-2024.

Ayes: Margherio, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Martin

Thrasher explained the situation with the garbage at Kennedy Park. The Ladd School baseball team had a game a couple of weeks ago and upon arriving at the concession stand it was noted that the garbage was full. It had to be emptied before the game began. Thrasher feels this should be checked by the public works guys. This type of thing should never happen. Thrasher feels these garbages should be checked/emptied every other day. Englehaupt stated that the workers of the concession stand or coaches have been responsible for emptying the cans in the past. Thrasher stated she doesn’t feel that is their job the Village employees need to check them and empty them. President Cattani will monitor this and if action needs to be taken he will contact Englehaupt. Thrasher also mentioned at the baseball committee meeting the other night people feel the park grass looks terrible and the weeds are horrendous. We had 3 summer help employees who should have been tending to the weeds. She stated the people who live around the park couldn’t believe we were paying TNT for the terrible job cutting the grass and trimming. Nicholson stated he would like to see this contract opened up again next year and give companies another chance to bid. Nicholson would also like to have weed control bid out to see if we can get a better result in our parks. Koch stated at the baseball committee meeting wondered if we purchased 2 mowers could summer help cut the parks? Margherio stated this has never worked in the past. Nelson wondered if robot mowers could be utilized in certain parts of the Village. The board members feel we need to rebid the grass-cutting and weed-control contracts for 2025.

Nicholson addressed the council with information on replacing the trees the Village planted last fall. There are 3 dead trees that he would like to see replaced on Village property. #1 @ 3485 E Spring Creek Dr #2@ 234 WWalnut St and #3 @ 100 block of North Main Ave. Nicholson stated that the gentleman from Walnut didn’t have any trees this year. Nicholson contacted Hornbakers and was quoted Redbud trees @ 50% off for $100.00 per tree. He then contacted Twiggy’s Tree Farm from Tiskilwa and was quoted $79.00 for a 7-foot tall Redbud and $65.00 for an 8-foot Sugar Maple. President Cattani authorized Nicholson to move forward with 2 Redbud and 1 Maple to replace the trees that we lost. Nicholson will purchase the trees and submit the bill for reimbursement.

Thrasher motioned/Nicholson second to adjourn.

Ayes: Margherio, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Martin

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm
