
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Ottawa City Council met Oct. 1

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Mayor Robert Hasty's family | Mayor Robert HastyFacebook

Mayor Robert Hasty's family | Mayor Robert HastyFacebook

City of Ottawa City Council met Oct. 1

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Present: Mayor Robert Hasty, Commissioners Wayne A. Eichelkraut Jr., Thomas G. Ganiere, Marla K. Pearson and Brent F. Barron.

Absent: None.

Commissioner Eichelkraut presented minutes of previous meeting.

Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that the minutes of a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Ottawa, Illinois, held on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, be approved as recorded in the permanent files of the City Clerk.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

A public hearing was held next on an annexation agreement with Debra Norby for property located at 2128 Fields Place. City Attorney, Christina Cantlin explained this voluntary annexation process and the resident’s need for water and sewer and with no one publicly commenting, the Mayor declared the hearing closed at 7: 02 p.m.

Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Biweekly Salary Payroll.

Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that the Biweekly Salary Payroll of September 27, 2024, in the amount of $607,732.20, be approved and warrants issued.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Bimonthly Expense Report.

Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that the Bimonthly Expense Report dated October 1, 2024, showing expenses in the amount of $1,550,779.22, be approved and warrants issued.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Resolution.

Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a transit service agreement between the City of Ottawa and the Peru Public Library, regarding NCAT, which has been on file for public inspection since September 17, 2024, be adopted.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Ordinance.

Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that an Ordinance adding Section 2-53 to the Municipal Code of the City of Ottawa, LaSalle County, Illinois, regarding remote attendance at Council meetings, be passed and approved.

Second by Barron.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Eichelkraut acknowledged the great turnout at Fall Festival and reminded of the Festival of Lights Parade on Friday, November 29th.

Commissioner Ganiere presented Report of Police Chief.

Moved by Commissioner Ganiere that the Report of Police Chief, Brent A. Roalson, for the month of September 2024, be received and placed on file.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Ganiere presented Report of Fire Chief.

Moved by Commissioner Ganiere that the Report of Fire Chief, Brian Bressner, for the month of September 2024, be received and placed on file.

Second by Eichelkraut.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Ganiere presented Resolution.

Moved by Commissioner Ganiere that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a map agreement between the City of Ottawa and Marco Technologies LLC, for a copy machine for the Fire Department, which has been on file for public inspection since September 17, 2024, be adopted.

Second by Barron.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Ganiere presented Resolution.

Moved by Commissioner Ganiere that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a sales contract between the City of Ottawa and HAAS Inc., for alert services for the Fire Department, which has been on file for public inspection since September 17, 2024, be adopted.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Pearson presented Estimate.

Moved by Commissioner Pearson that the Estimate received from All in Finish & Paint LLC in the amount of $13,400.00 for all 3 Allen Park steel sculptures, be approved and paid for from the General Corporate Fund.

Second by Ganiere.

Commissioner Pearson added that this will be split with the Playground and Recreation Fund.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Pearson presented Change Order.

Moved by Commissioner Pearson that Change Order #4 from Vissering Construction Company in the amount of $12,241.00 for the Allen Park project, be accepted, approved, and paid for from the Allen Park Fund.

Second by Eichelkraut.

Commissioner Pearson noted that more sidewalk work will be done at the top of the hill at Allen Park.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Pearson presented Quote.

Moved by Commissioner Pearson that the Quote received from SCP in the amount of $28,874.32 for a cover for Riordan Pool, be approved and paid for from the Swimming Pool Fund.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Barron awarded Bid.

Moved by Commissioner Barron that the Low Bid from J.W. Ossola Co. Inc. in the amount of $46,967.00 for the 2024 Oak Terrace Drive water main extension project, be accepted and paid for from the Water Fund.

Second by Eichelkraut.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Barron presented Resolution.

Moved by Commissioner Barron that a Resolution authorizing the execution of an engineering design and construction services agreement between the City of Ottawa and Renwick & Associates Inc., for the Long Term Control Plan Element 8.2 Walnut Street and various streets, which has been on file for public inspection since September 17, 2024, be adopted.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Commissioner Barron reminded of the Water and Wastewater Open Houses on Saturday, October 12, 2024, from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.

Mayor Hasty presented Report of Registrar.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that the Report of Registrar, Shelly L. Munks, for the month of September 2024, be received and placed on file.

Second by Barron.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Report of Parking Administration.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that the Report of the Parking Administration Department showing fines collected of $3,300.00 for the month of September 2024, be received and placed on file.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Report of Building Official.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that the Report of Building Official, Mathew W. Stafford, for the month of September 2024, be received and placed on file.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution authorizing the execution of an annexation agreement between the City of Ottawa and Debra Barr known now as Debra Norby, for property located at 2128 Fields Place, which has been on file for public inspection since September 17, 2024, be adopted.

Second by Barron.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution authorizing the execution of an addendum to the license agreement between the City of Ottawa, Kenneth Knoll, and Debra Knoll, for property located at 227-229 W. Main Street, which has been on file for public inspection since September 17, 2024, be adopted.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement between the City of Ottawa and J&M Displays Inc., for the Festival of Lights fireworks, which has been on file for public inspection since September 17, 2024, be adopted.

Second by Eichelkraut.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None. 

Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution authorizing the execution of lease agreement #5232 between the City of Ottawa and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, for the I & M Canal Tollhouse, be received and placed on file for public inspection.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement for professional services between the City of Ottawa and Fehr Graham, for the USEPA brownsfield cleanup grant application, be received and placed on file for public inspection.

Second by Eichelkraut.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution appointing employees and authorizing the execution of employment agreements for Steve Kuhn, Adam Clark, and Matt Burgwald, and authorizing the execution of an addendum to the engineering and consulting agreement for Thomas Duttlinger, be received and placed on file for public inspection.

Second by Pearson.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Ordinance.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that an Ordinance authorizing the issuance of a certificate of appropriateness for 317-319 Congress Street, be passed and approved.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Ordinance.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that an Ordinance annexing certain territory to the City of Ottawa, LaSalle County, Illinois, owned by Debra Norby, for property located at 2128 Fields Place, be passed and approved.

Second by Barron.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented Request.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that the Request for a fundraiser from the VFW to hold their Poppy Days on Saturday, November 2, 2024, and Sunday, November 3, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. at the intersection of Route 6 and Route 23, be approved and the City Departments involved be notified of the event.

Second by Eichelkraut.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None.

Mayor Hasty presented motion to recess.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that this Council recess into Closed Session to discuss matters of personnel and collective bargaining.

Second by Eichelkraut.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None. Council recessed at 7:21 p.m.

Mayor Hasty presented motion to reconvene.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that this Council reconvene from Closed Session.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None. 

Mayor Hasty presented motion to adjourn.

Moved by Mayor Hasty that this regular meeting be adjourned.

Second by Ganiere.

Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.

Nays: None. Council adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
