
Illinois Valley Times

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Village of Diamond Village Board of Commission met Oct. 8

Webp 27

Teresa Kernc, Mayor - Village of Diamond | LinkedIn

Teresa Kernc, Mayor - Village of Diamond | LinkedIn

Village of Diamond Village Board of Commission met Oct. 8

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

The scheduled meeting of the Diamond Village Board was held on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Teresa “Terry” Kernc presiding. Upon a roll call Commissioners present Mark Adair, Jeff Kasher and Dave Warner. Absent: Dean Johnson.

Approval of 9-24-2024 Minutes

MOTION was made by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Adair to approve the 9-24-2024 meeting minutes and place on file. Ayes: Adair, Kernc, Warner. Abstain: Kasher,

Motion Carried.

Approval of October 8, Bill List

MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Warner to approve October 8, 2024, bill list and place it on file. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Approval of the September 2024 Treasurer’s Report

MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Adair to approve the September 2024 Treasurer’s Report and place it on file. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Public Comment


New Business

Approve Amendment to Ordinance #2024-05, Repealing and Replacing Chapter 110, Alcoholic Liquor Dealers, of the Code of Ordinances

Village Clerk Lori Holmes stated they need additional information on the serving size of the alcohol pairing which Jewel will be serving in their cooking classes to amend the current ordinance. This was tabled.

Discuss/Approve Trick or Treat Hours from 4:00PM-6:00PM

Mayor Kernc stated this is the hours the village has done in the past. MOTION was made by Commissioner Adair, SECOND by Commissioner Warner to Approve October 31, 2024, Trick or Treat Hours from 4:00PM-6:00PM. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Amendment to the Grant Agreement Between the Village of Diamond and IEPA

Mayor Kernc stated this is for the lead service line which there was an amendment to an exhibit, therefore must be approved. MOTION was made by Commissioner Adair, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher to Approve Amendment to the Grant Agreement Between the Village of Diamond and IEPA. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement Between the County of Grundy, Village of Channahon, Village of Diamond, City of Morris, Village of Shorewood, Village of Minooka Related to the Creation of a Regional Collaboration Plan for Northwest Grundy County and Surrounding Area

Mayor Kernc stated this is specifically regarding the train which will be significantly impacting Minooka and Channahon. The village contributed $250.00; the amount is based on the partners in the grant application. The more partners you get, the more points you receive regarding the application.

We approved this previously, however, this is the official IGA which needs approval. MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Adair to Approve the Intergovernmental Agreement Between the County of Grundy, Village of Channahon, Village of Diamond, City of Morris, Village of Shorewood, Village of Minooka Related to the Creation of a Regional Collaboration Plan for Northwest Grundy County and Surrounding Area. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Approve Premier Asphalt for Paving and Sealcoating at Various Locations in the Amount of $19,745.00

Mayor Kernc stated she received consensus previously however she needs formal approval. Kernc added there will be an additional cost for other patching, therefore, another invoice will be received after the work is completed. MOTION was made by Commissioner Adair, SECOND by Commissioner Warner to Approve Premier Asphalt for Paving and Sealcoating at Various Locations in the Amount of $19,745.00. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Approve and Accept Low Bidder for Public Works Maintenance Building

This item was tabled

Approval of IGA with Grundy County to Provide Animal Control Services for 2024-25 Contract in the Amount of $1,634.00

Mayor Kernc stated she is very happy with the services they provide to the village. MOTION was made by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher to Approve IGA with Grundy County to Provide Animal Control Services for 2024-25 Contract in the Amount of $1,634.00. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Discuss and Approve Proposal, Level and Seed Village Hall Property

Mayor Kernc presented 2 proposals for work to be completed at the village hall on the property. The grounds are uneven, and the property needs to be leveled out, filled with dirt and seeded. Kernc discussed her 3rd option which was to utilize our part-time college staff member and another village public works employee and have them fill in the areas etc. Discussion on the process which needs to be done to complete this, the cost of the dirt, time, labor, rolling the area, etc. Kernc stated by doing it this way, the village would save money, however, it won’t be perfect, but it will be better than it is in its current state. The village will move forward with completing this item utilizing village employees.

Old Business

Grundy and Will County Sheriff’s Monthly Update

Mayor Kernc stated nothing out of the ordinary.

Legal Counsel

No Report

Engineer Updates

Village Engineer Mike Perry stated there are several punch list items which need to be completed, and they are working with Randolph to get those items done before the Jewel-Osco opening. The Public Works Building is out to bid, and the bid opening is next week. The RFP is out for the catwalk work at the WWTP. The traffic signal should be working before the opening day at Jewel-Osco. The watermain work will be starting next week.

Public Works Department Updates

Public Works Supervisor Jim Dunning stated there was a watermain leak on Saturday which was 7 feet deep. They found a valve not operable however, they must dig up a sidewalk to do the work. Kernc stated they will be using Coal City’s valve exerciser; however, she would like to purchase one for our village. Dunning added, Premier Asphalt’s asphalt machine broke so the paving work is on hold. The SCADA system is up and running. Discussion of making a grate for the box culvert was discussed. Dunning stated he is getting a quote from Acosta Fence. Commissioner Kasher recommended the fabrication company in Wilmington.

Clerk Updates

No Report

Commissioner Comments

Commissioner Adair

No Report

Commissioner Johnson


Commissioner Kasher

No Report

Commissioner Warner

No Report

Mayor Kernc

Kernc presented pictures of the maintenance building and the additional repairs which are needed so they can finish the new siding on the building. Commissioner Kasher stated the repairs are not because the building did not have gutters, it is because of the elevation of field and the water runs into the corner. Kasher recommended installing a 4” tile with sock for drainage. The discussion to make a swale and have the water run into the ditch. Public Works will do the work next year. Kernc presented a quote from Fast Signs to make the Village of Diamond’s logo and install them on the front of each village hall and other building. Consensus was given. Kasher added he would like them to be installed with aluminum nails.


MOTION was made to adjourn at 6:55p.m. by Commissioner Kasher SECOND by Commissioner Adair. All Ayes: Motion Carried.
