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Mayor Robert Hasty's family | Mayor Robert HastyFacebook
City of Ottawa Firefighters Pension Board met Nov. 21
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Open Meeting
a. Location: Ottawa City Hall
b. TIme: 1530 Hrs.
c. Attendees Present
2. Approval of Minutes
a. August Quarterly Meeting
3. Lauterbach and Amen Report
a. Financial Report
4. Old Business
a. Trustee Training
b. Annual Audit Update
c. Actuarial Valuation and Tax Levy Report
d. Municipal Compliance Report
e. Pension Seminar and Tier II Legislation
5. New Business
a. Approval of Invoices
1) 4th Quarter Invoice from Asher, Gittler & D’Alba
2) Jennings and Sirek IME Invoices
b. Approval of IME Reports
c. Recurring Withdrawal
d. Approval of Annual Raises
e. Meeting Dates for 2025
f. Term expirations for 2025 (Newbury and Clift)
6. Public Comments
7. Legal Comments
8. Meeting Adjourned