Mayor Robert Hasty | Hasty4Mayor
Mayor Robert Hasty | Hasty4Mayor
City of Ottawa City Council met Dec. 3
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Present: Mayor Robert Hasty, Commissioners Wayne A. Eichelkraut Jr., Thomas G. Ganiere, Marla K. Pearson and Brent F. Barron (via phone).
Absent: None.
Commissioner Eichelkraut presented minutes of previous meeting.
Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that the minutes of a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Ottawa, Illinois, held on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, be approved as recorded in the permanent files of the City Clerk.
Second by Ganiere.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
The Police Department’s new K-9 officer, Minnie Hooper, was sworn in by Mayor Hasty.
Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Biweekly Salary Payroll.
Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that the Biweekly Salary Payroll of November 22, 2024, in the amount of $670,564.53, be approved and warrants issued.
Second by Pearson.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Bimonthly Expense Report.
Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that the Bimonthly Expense Report dated December 3, 2024, showing expenses in the amount of $724,473.25, be approved and warrants issued.
Second by Ganiere.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Resolution.
Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut authorizing the execution of an employment agreement for an appointed City Official in Hunter O’Dell as Facilities Assistant for NCAT, which has been on file for public inspection since November 19, 2024, be adopted.
Second by Pearson.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Ordinance and Set public hearing.
Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that an Ordinance levying taxes in the City of Ottawa, LaSalle County, Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2024, and ending April 30, 2025, and authorizing the City Clerk of the City of Ottawa to certify to the County Clerk of LaSalle County, Illinois, the several amounts required to be raised by taxation for the corporate purposes of said City for said fiscal year, be received and placed on file for public inspection. Be it further moved, a public hearing be set for Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. on this said levy.
Second by Ganiere.
Both Commissioner Eichelkraut and City Treasurer, Don Harris, elaborated on the levy.
The levy is up 7.47% from the prior year but the levy rate will decline. The City’s EAV is up around 12% which equates to 9.5 cents per 100 of assessed valuation. We are requesting $665,000.00 over last year.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Wayne Eichelkraut commented about the Festival of Lights Parade and the
Chris Kringle market.
Commissioner Ganiere presented Report of Police Chief.
Moved by Commissioner Ganiere that the Report of Police Chief, Brent A. Roalson, for the month of November 2024, be received and placed on file.
Second by Eichelkraut.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Ganiere presented Report of Fire Chief.
Moved by Commissioner Ganiere that the Report of Fire Chief, Brian Bressner, for the month of November 2024, be received and placed on file.
Second by Pearson.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Ganiere presented Resolution.
Moved by Commissioner Ganiere that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a proposal for grant assistance services by Lexipol for a radio grant for the Fire Department, be received and placed on file for public inspection.
Second by Eichelkraut.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Ganiere presented Resolution.
Moved by Commissioner Ganiere that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a memorandum of understanding between the City of Ottawa and multiple Fire Departments, regarding regional assistance for a Firefighters Grant for radios, be received and placed on file for public inspection.
Second by Pearson.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Ganiere announced that Chief Brent Roalson is retiring after 28 years and Captain Michael Cheatham will be promoted to Chief of Police effective 1/1/2025.
Commissioner Barron presented Change Order.
Moved by Commissioner Barron that Change Order #1 from Gensini Excavating in the increased amount of $31,958.90, for the Long Term Control Plan sewer separation project, be accepted and paid for from the Combined Sewer Overflow Fund.
Second by Pearson.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Mayor Hasty presented Report of Registrar.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that the Report of Registrar, Shelly L. Roalson, for the month of November 2024, be received and placed on file.
Second by Pearson.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Mayor Hasty presented Report of Parking Administration.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that the Report of the Parking Administration Department showing fines collected of $1325.00 for the month of November 2024, be received and placed on file.
Second by Ganiere.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Mayor Hasty presented Report of Building Official.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that the Report of Building Official, Mathew W. Stafford, for the month of November 2024, be received and placed on file.
Second by Eichelkraut.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Mayor Hasty presented Report of Sidewalk Program.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that the Report of the Sidewalk Program showing 8 participants in the amount of $20,502.18, for the month of November 2024, be approved and paid for from the General Corporate fund.
Second by Pearson.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a contract for taxicab service and lease of the building located at 814 Columbus Street between the City of Ottawa and Affordable Rides LLC, which has been on file for public inspection since November 19, 2024, be adopted.
Second by Ganiere.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution authorizing the execution of the third extension and addendum to the lease/donation agreement between the City of Ottawa and the Conservation Foundation, which has been on file for public inspection since November 19, 2024, be adopted.
Second by Eichelkraut.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution authorizing the statement of work between the City of Ottawa and Quicket Solutions Inc., regarding municipal enforcement and adjudication software, which has been on file for public inspection since November 19, 2024, be adopted.
Second by Ganiere.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a side letter agreement with AFSCME Local 2819 regarding anniversary dates, which has been on file for public inspection since November 19, 2024, be adopted.
Second by Pearson.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: Ganiere.
Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution approving and authorizing the execution of an employment agreement for an appointed City Official in Haley Roalson as Office Assistant to Finance, be received and placed on file for public inspection.
Second by Eichelkraut.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Mayor Hasty presented Report of Zoning Board of Appeals meeting.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that the Report of the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting held on Thursday, November 21, 2024, considering the variance requests from Bradley John Carlson for property located at 610 Bellevue Avenue, be received and placed on file. Be it further moved, the Council concur with the recommendations of the Zoning Board of Appeals and the variance requests to construct an addition and to exceed 50% of the footprint of the principal structure be approved and the follow up Ordinance be passed and approved.
Second by Ganiere.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: Barron.
Mayor Hasty presented Report of Zoning Board of Appeals meeting.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that the Report of the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting held on Thursday, November 21, 2024, considering the variance request from Clark & Lynn Stoller for property located at 3196 Illinois Route 23, be received and placed on file. Be it further moved, the Council concur with the recommendations of the Zoning Board of Appeals and the front yard setback variance request from 50 feet to 25 feet to construct an addition be approved and the follow up Ordinance be passed and approved.
Second by Eichelkraut.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: Barron.
Mayor Hasty presented motion to adjourn.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that this regular meeting be adjourned.
Second by Eichelkraut.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None. Council adjourned at 7:20 p.m.