
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Ladd Village Board met Nov. 26

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Rhonda Bezely, Village Clerk | Shaw Local Website

Rhonda Bezely, Village Clerk | Shaw Local Website

Village of Ladd Village Board met Nov. 26

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Ladd Village Board met in regular session on Tuesday, November 26, 2024, in the Ladd Village Hall at 121 N. Main Avenue. Village President Frank Cattani called the meeting to order at 6:34 pm and led the pledge of allegiance to the American flag.

Roll Call: Present: Trustees Dave Margherio, Dan Nelson, Brad Nicholson, Andy Ruggerio, Molly Thrasher (5)

Absent: Trustee Jan Martin (1)

In attendance: Deputy Clerk & Treasurer Julie Koch, Engineer Adam Ossola, Atty. Patrick Barry, and Building Inspector Barry Flanagan

Margherio motioned/Nicholson second to accept the November 12, 2024, regular meeting minutes as presented. (There was an error on the date on the agenda.)

Ayes: Margherio, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Martin

Nelson motioned/Thrasher second to authorize payment of the bills for $95,496.77

Ayes: Margherio, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Martin

Nicholson motioned/Nelson second to accept the Treasurer's Report for October 2024.

Ayes: Margherio, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Martin

Correspondence: A thank you from Lance Yednock was read.

Public Comment: None

Committee Reports: Nelson and the council were pleased with Cruz Concrete’s work in front of the Post Office.

Engineer’s Report: Water Tower Bid Book: Ossola reported to the board that he proposed bidding on Water Tower Maintenance. Two options were given. A. was a basic package for tower maintenance like we’ve had done in the past and B. included a custom logo for the water tower. This includes a graphic designer to work with the Village to design a logo for the Village. It comes with an added cost of $2,500.00 to make a custom design. The painting of the design would be an additional cost. This will be placed on the next agenda for the council to decide which way they would like to move forward. STU Funds: Ossola said that IDOT was sending out a letter regarding the Road Maintenance Account balance which is different from MFT Funds. They sent out information on the job the Village submitted for the past 2 years which was to oil and chip and replace parts of the curb and gutter on East Cleveland Street with these funds. The Village had said we would move forward with this project in 2026. Final request to spend these funds must be done by December 2024. So, if the Village plans to do this work in Fiscal year 2026, we would need to start the plans in early spring of next year in order to obtain approval from the State by the end of 2025. This would allow us to bid on the project in early 2026 so everything was completed in 2026. Before moving forward Ossola told the council they would need to figure out where the money for the engineering would come from and where the 20% match for construction costs would come from. Ossola will need this decision from the board by December.

Superintendent’s Report: Not in attendance

Police Chief: Not in attendance

Building Inspector: New Business: Discuss Status of Building Renovation at 109 N. Main Avenue Barry Flanagan was in attendance to discuss his concerns about the workmanship of this building. A structural engineering study that was obtained for this property by the Village of Ladd before it was most recently sold has brought questions and concerns to the council. Questions regarding the subgrade and the roof repair were discussed. After discussion ensued. Atty. Barry feels that the council needs to obtain a motion/second and roll call vote on issuing a stop work order on this building since it is a Main Avenue building. President Cattani will sign this stop-work order. Main Avenue properties are the council’s authority. Bezely called and spoke with Angel who identified himself as the owner’s, Tania Moshi’s, husband. He was reminded about tonight’s meeting also and did not show up. A structural engineer will be hired to examine the building and decide. We don’t want this to be a problem in the future for Main Avenue buildings. They have stubbed in plumbing and plan to pour concrete over the top of lots of “things” that have been buried in the basement.

Margherio motioned/Thrasher second to Issue a Stop Work Order for the Building at 109 N. Main Avenue, Ladd IL

Ayes: Margherio, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Martin

Village Attorney: New Business: Levy: Atty. Barry explained the Levy process to the council. There was a 5% increase to the new Levy which we are allowed to do annually. The general fund was considered first since this is where many expenses are taken from. Then the other funds were maximized up to their “cap” leaving the rest to go into non-capped funds.

Nicholson motioned/Nelson second to Pass Ordinance #1177 for the Levy of Taxes for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2024, and Ending April 30, 2025, for the Village of Ladd, Bureau County, Illinois

Ayes: Nelson, Nicholson, Thrasher, Margherio, Ruggerio, Cattani

Absent: Martin

Old Business: 10/33 Ambulance: Barry Welbers, President of the 10/33 Ambulance Board attended to explain the situation with 10/33 Ambulance. A letter was distributed to the council that Mr. Welbers requested. He felt this was a better explanation of the situation going on at 10/33. There is no real documentation that goes with the figure that 10/33 Ambulance came up with for the new per capita rate for the Village of Ladd and all the other towns that support 10/33 Ambulance and use this 911 service. Mr. Welbers did an excellent job explaining things to the council. Questions were answered. Atty. Barry told Mr. Welbers the maximum that the Village of Ladd gets from taxpayers for 10/33 Ambulance is $19,050.00. There has been talk about fire districts taking over some of the 911 burden that Villages have been responsible for in the past. The fact that Ladd’s Fire District is volunteer this does not seem possible. Mr. Welbers feels that the $36.00 per capita that was invoiced to cities, villages, and towns will not be collected. They are waiting for Melanie Malooley Thompson to come up with an amount that would be fair to all towns responsible for supporting the 911 service that 10/33 provides. 

New Business: Employee Holiday Bonuses: Information was provided to the council regarding last year's bonuses.

Margherio motioned/Nelson second to Give the Same Holiday Bonuses as Last year.

Ayes: Margherio, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher

Absent: Martin

New Business: Veteran’s Banner in Ladd: The council discussed information that was obtained from the City of Spring Valley’s new banners. They look really nice in Spring Valley. Bezely contacted the place that printed the banners and got some detailed information for the council. These new banners would cost the Village for the brackets and the pole kits for each banner that gets purchased.

If we do things the way that the City of Spring Valley did them, we would give each banner a 2-yeartime frame to hang in the Village with the option to renew them or not. So, every 2 years the banners would be taken down and returned to the purchaser. The Village of Ladd would purchase the pole kits so that they could use these for other types of banners to be hung. The Veteran’s Banners would hang up from Memorial Day through Veteran’s Day and then be taken down. We could put Veteran’s Banners all down Main Avenue and on East and West Cleveland Street. We will make up an order form and send this with utility bills in January or February. We will place this on our website, Facebook, and around town so the word gets out.

Margherio motioned/Thrasher second to move forward with the Veteran’s Banner Project with a cost of $50.00 per Banner for 2 years, and the Village of Ladd will pay for the pole kit and brackets.

Ayes: Margherio, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher

Absent: Martin

Announcements: Comcast Rates: As of December 18, 2024, each service/plan will be increasing by approximately $5.00 each. Folding Machine: We will not pursue the folding & stuffing machine at this time. Mass Christmas Eve: Father Ronald Margherio will perform Mass at 3 pm on Christmas Eve at the Community Center. Further information will be forthcoming.

Ruggerio stated that he heard from a concerned citizen that he should not be paid for meetings he is not in attendance at. Ruggerio wanted to go on record for giving the Village back $75.00 since he was not at one of the 2 meetings for November. Nicholson stated that he urges the Village not to take this money back because Ruggerio does many things while not at a meeting. The concerned citizen should have come up to the meeting and voiced his opinion at the meeting.

Nelson motioned/Nicholson second to adjourn.

Ayes: Margherio, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried

Absent: Martin

The meeting adjourned at 7:43 pm
