Rhonda Bezely, Village Clerk | Shaw Local Website
Rhonda Bezely, Village Clerk | Shaw Local Website
Village of Ladd Village Board met Dec. 10
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Ladd Village Board met in regular session on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, in the Ladd Village Hall at 121 N. Main Avenue. Village President Frank Cattani called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and led the pledge of allegiance to the American flag.
Roll Call: Present: Trustees Dave Margherio, Jan Martin, Dan Nelson, Brad Nicholson, Andy Ruggerio, and Molly Thrasher (6)
In attendance: Village Clerk Rhonda Bezely, Attorneys Pat & Colin Barry, Engineer Adam Ossola
Thrasher motioned/Nicholson second to accept the November 26, 2024, regular meeting minutes as presented.
Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried
Nelson motioned/Martin second to authorize payment of the bills of $138,060.60
Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried
Correspondence: None
Public Comment: None
Committee Reports: Ruggerio asked about the status of the Village Hall/Clerk’s Office moving over to the Community Center. President Cattani stated that it is currently on hold. We will be looking for funding and want to be shovel-ready. Nelson asked about the number of bucket trucks the Village owns. Two trucks were mentioned but would need to speak to public works. Nicholson asked if we could investigate Untz Truck Repair for Village equipment. They live in Ladd and are closer to take our equpment for repairs. President Cattani will speak with Englehaupt.
New Business: Approve 2025 Meeting Dates: Bezely asked Atty. Barry if Thursday, 11/13/25 is okay.
Ruggerio motioned/Thrasher second to Approve the 2025 Meeting dates.
Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried
Engineer’s Report: STU Funds: Ossola discussed this with the council last meeting but it was not on the agenda. Ossola explained there is approximately $200,000.00 to be used on E Cleveland Street which will include oil and chip of the road along with repair of curb and gutter in bad areas. This grant is an 80/20 split where you use 80% grant funds and you’ll need to determine where the 20% will be taken from. You can use Motor Fuel Funds or if you’d rather use the General Fund to pay this you can determine that closer to the project. Ossola needs an answer by the end of December to submit this application for the work to be done in FY 2026. Safe Routes to School 2023 Project will also be getting done which takes care of quite a bit of curb and gutter. Discussion ensued. President Cattani told the council that he requested a meeting with all residents affected by the SRTS 2023 sidewalk project to discuss what will be happening, answer questions, and hear ideas or concerns. This will be on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at 6:30 pm in the Village Hall. Ossola will attend to help with this meeting. Since the SRTS 2023 Project will be happening this may free up some funds from the STU Funds project to do more than we initially planned. If we do not use this money in FY 2026 as we have indicated we may have to wait to plan this in the future, as to when the State can allocate this money to the Village of Ladd. For the SRTS 2023, engineering is the only money that will be spent out of the general fund. The council was asked to decide how they want to move forward.
Thrasher motioned/Martin second to Pursue the Application for using the STU Funds on East Cleveland Street in 2026 with the 20% match targeted to be used out of the Motor Fuel Tax Fund first and if there isn’t enough then it will be taken from the General Fund.
Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried
New Business: Water Tower Maintenance Bid: Chamlin put together two options for moving forward with the bid process for water tower maintenance bidding. They feel that option A is the way they would like to go.
Margherio motioned/Ruggerio second to Proceed with Option A for $4,000.00 on the Water Tower Maintenance Bidding with Chamlin & Associates.
Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried
Superintendent’s Report: Not in attendance
Police Chief: Not in attendance
Building Inspector: Not in attendance Thrasher asked about the status of the building at 109 N. Main Ave. A stop work order has been posted but the owner was very unhappy.
Village Attorney: Atty. Barry reported that the Levy was brought over to Bureau County and filed.
New Business: Outdoor Warning Siren Maintenance Renewal for 2025: Bezely asked Atty. Barry if warning sirens are required in our Levy. She stated that since we test them on the 1st Tuesday of the month, but we don’t have a 24-hour police department to sound the sirens in a bad storm do we need to continue to collect taxes for this? Atty. Barry said that we are required to continue this. A quote from Braniff was received and the price is in line with last year. Sounding the siren has been discussed in the past and it was mentioned to possibly speak with Valcom about sounding our siren in bad weather. Chief Frund can elaborate on this in a future meeting. The quote is for annual maintenance for both of our sirens was reviewed.
Nicholson motioned/Ruggerio second to Renew Braniff Communications to Perform Annual Maintenance on our Two Sirens in the Village of Ladd.
Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried
New Business: Donation Request from IVCIL: Martin stated that she toured their new facility and feels many of our residents get help from IVCIL.
Martin motioned/Nelson second to Donate $50.00 to IVCIL.
Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried
Margherio asked if a cap was put on donations in the past. Attorney Barry recalled $25.00 but the Village varies on this amount at times based on the cause.
New Business: Donation Request from Starved Rock Regional Center (formerly Easter Seals: No Action was taken.
New Business: Donation Request from Gateway Services: The Village has given to Gateway in the past.
We have a couple of residents who have benefited from Gateway.
Thrasher motioned/Martin second to Donate $50.00 to Gateway Services.
Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher - Motion carried
New Business: Request to Add Class A Liquor License: Pat Braboy sent an email requesting a liquor license so he can put Video Gaming Machines in his building at 302 N Main Avenue. He indicates in his email that he does not intend this to be a bar just video gaming. After a long discussion, it was decided that if Mr. Braboy wanted to come and address the council at a meeting, they would hear his request and decide at that time. The Village Council is not inclined to create an additional license at this time.
New Business: Ordinance #1178-2024 BP EZ: There is a new business located over by Buda and the addition of this property to the Bureau Putnam Enterprise Zone is necessary.
Martin motioned/Nicholson second to Pass Ordinance #1178-2024 An Ordinance Amending Ordinance #1020-2015 Entitled “An Ordinance Establishing an Enterprise Zone within the Village of Ladd, IL Said Enterprise Zone Being a Portion of a Larger Enterprise Zone Encompassing Contiguous Portions of the Cities of Princeton & Spring Valley, the Village of Granville, Hennepin, Ladd, and Mark and the Counties of Bureau and Putnam, Illinois.
Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher, President Cattani - Motion carried
Announcements: Bezely reminded the council that the Christmas Walk is this Saturday, December 14, 2024, from 2-5 pm. She asked if anyone was going to be around their help would be much appreciated picking up the easels and sandwich boards at all the businesses after 6 pm. The SRTS 2023 meeting with residents affected by this project will be on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at 6:30 pm. All ideas, concerns, and questions will be addressed by President Cattani and Engineer Ossola. The next council meeting will be Thursday, December 26th due to Christmas Eve being on our regular meeting night. Bezely wished everyone a Merry Christmas. Ruggerio announced that Phil & Mary Ann are not doing the Christmas Walk next year so we need to find a place for the snowmen and candy canes that are on Main Avenue. The storage container the Village purchased for our Holiday decorations was mentioned to have room. We will plan to have them located there. We will determine who will put them out next year. Thrasher mentioned that Dick’s is going to start serving Little Bella’s Pizza. Nelson mentioned that tomorrow is the 11th and Taps will be played on the monument. Martin mentioned having things lined up for the Christmas Eve Mass. She could use more volunteers to set up the chairs but she is still working on it.
Martin motioned/Nicholson second that we adjourn.
Ayes: Margherio, Martin, Nelson, Nicholson, Ruggerio, Thrasher – Motion carried
The meeting adjourned at 7:12 pm.