
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Marseilles City Council met Dec. 18

Webp cheryl gray

Cheryl Gray, City Treasurer | City of Marseilles Website

Cheryl Gray, City Treasurer | City of Marseilles Website

City of Marseilles City Council met Dec. 18

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Official proceedings of the City Council of the City of Marseilles of the meeting of December 18, 2024.

The City Council of the City of Marseilles met in the City Chamber of City Hall at the hour of 6:00 P.M. on December 18, 2024.

Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Roll call showed the following present: Mayor Hollenbeck, Commissioner Kaminski, Small, Scheib, and Buckingham. Absent: None.

Moved by Commissioner Kaminski seconded by Commissioner Buckingham that the minutes from the Council meeting of December 4, 2024 be approved as displayed and placed on file. Ayes: Commissioner Kaminski, Small, Scheib, Buckingham, and Mayor Hollenbeck. Nays: None.

Ashley Barnes-Underwood addressed the council regarding the recent costs of FOIA requests from Scott Ford Damnjanovic. She wanted taxpayers to know she FOIA’d his requests and city’s legal expenses due to the requests. As of the end of November the City has paid $23,850.50 for a personal vendetta on Mayor Hollenbeck. This does not include time taken away from city employees. Ashley passed out paperwork of the FOIA to the council.

Scott Ford Damnjanovic stated City infringed on his first amendment rights at the prior meeting. He said anyone is allowed to say four letter words at the meetings. If the council doesn’t like the way he talks the council can leave the building. 

Cathy McKickens from Timber’s Edge spoke regarding Constellation purchasing homes. She asked the Council to pass an ordinance not allowing houses in Timber’s Edge to be torn down until all properties are sold. 

Larry Cowie spoke regarding the recent Facebook posts Commissioner Scheib made about testing the city’s drinking water quality. Larry asked if Scheib reached out to the water department first before testing. He also asked why he would think an Amazon testing kit would have worked. Larry said by making the post it has only created panic with residents. Larry asked why Scheib always votes no to Accounts Payables. Scheib stated he doesn’t agree with the payables.

Kim Kozak asked what each Commissioner’s job is within the city. The mayor said all that information is posted on the city’s website online.

Heidi Trettenero, Marseilles Public Library Librarian stated Terry Bentz approached her regarding purchasing his parking lot.

Moved by Commissioner Kaminski seconded by Commissioner Buckingham that the accounts payable for the first half of December in the amount of $536,725.74 be approved and a warrant be drawn on the City Treasury for the said amount. Ayes: Commissioner Kaminski, Small, Buckingham, and Mayor Hollenbeck. Nays:

Commissioner Scheib.

Moved by Commissioner Kaminski seconded by Commissioner Buckingham that the payroll for the first half of December in the amount of $95,008.89 be approved and a warrant be drawn on the City Treasury for said amount. Ayes: Commissioner Kaminski, Small, Scheib, Buckingham, and Mayor Hollenbeck. Nays: None.

Moved by Commissioner Kaminski seconded by Commissioner Small that ordinance 1878, tax levy ordinance for 2024-2025 be adopted. Ayes: Commissioner Kaminski, Small, Buckingham, and Mayor Hollenbeck. Nays: Commissioner Scheib.

Moved by Commissioner Kaminski seconded by Commissioner Buckingham that Ordinance 1879, an ordinance abating the tax heretofor levied pursuant to Ordinance 1784 for the year 2024 be adopted. Ayes: Commissioner Kaminski, Small, Scheib, Buckingham, and Mayor Hollenbeck. Nays: None.

Moved by Commissioner Kaminski seconded by Commissioner Small that Ordinance 1880, an ordinance abating the tax heretofor levied pursuant to Ordinance 1785 for the year 2024 be adopted. Ayes: Commissioner Kaminski, Small, Scheib, Buckingham, and Mayor Hollenbeck. Nays: None.

Commissioner Small reminded the public to lock their vehicles and use caution during inclement weather. Small believes Schieb should have reached out to a city worker before moving forward with Amazon water testing kits.

Moved by Commissioner Scheib seconded by Commissioner Kaminski that the intergovernmental agreement for pavement markings to various streets within City of Marseilles and LaSalle County Illinois, be placed on file. Ayes: Commissioner Kaminski, Small, Scheib, Buckingham, and Mayor Hollenbeck. Nays: None.

Commissioner Schieb would like the Broadway park signs to be moved. City Engineer stated once the project is completed the stop signs will be moved.

Commissioner Buckingham said he’s been Commissioner for over 20 years and has never had a resident complain about the drinking water. If he thought, there was an issue with the drinking water he would alert the residents. He would appreciate if Schieb would stay out of his department. Buckingham had 3 city employees in his office very upset with what Commissioner Schieb posted online.

Moved by Mayor Hollenbeck seconded by Commissioner Kaminski that the NCAT donation in the amount of $5,400 be approved. Ayes: Commissioner Kaminski, Small, Scheib, Buckingham, and Mayor Hollenbeck. Nays: None.

Mayor Hollenbeck presented Dylan Trettenero with a $1,000 check to help towards his Eagle Scout dog park project.

Moved by Commissioner Small seconded by Commissioner Buckingham that the City Council adjourns. Ayes: Commissioner Kaminski, Small, Scheib, Buckingham, and Mayor Hollenbeck. Nays: None.
