
Illinois Valley Times

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Village of Diamond Village Board of Commission met Jan. 14

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Village of Diamond Welcome Sign | Village of Diamond Website

Village of Diamond Welcome Sign | Village of Diamond Website

Village of Diamond Village Board of Commission met Jan. 14

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

The scheduled meeting of the Diamond Village Board was held on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Teresa “Terry” Kernc presiding. Upon a roll call Commissioners present Dean Johnson, Jeff Kasher and Dave Warner. Absent: Mark Adair.

Approval of 12-10-2024 Minutes

MOTION was made by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher to approve the 12-10-2024 meeting minutes and place on file. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Approval of January 14, 2025, Bill List

MOTION was made by Commissioner Johnson, SECOND by Commissioner Warner to approve January 14, 2025, bill list and place it on file. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Approval of the December 2024 Treasurer’s Report

MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Johnson to approve the December 2024 Treasurer’s Report and place it on file. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Public Comment

Mayor Kernc welcomed Kelly Burnbom(sp?) of Diamond, IL. Kelly is interested in opening a tobacco store in Diamond at 2585 E. Division St. This was the location of the former tobacco store which has moved to a new location in Diamond. Kernc explained that the village handles tobacco licensing like our liquor licenses. The village has no open licenses available. The village has limited the standalone tobacco shops to 2 stores. There are numerous other businesses which sell tobacco products, gas stations, Jewel, Casey’s, etc. The board agreed with Kernc. Kernc did encourage Kelly to possibly think of another type of business she might be interested in opening. She commended her on her ambition to be a small business owner. Kernc thanked her for attending and presenting her business idea to the board.

New Business

Motion to Approve new location of FMA USA Inc. d/b/a Stop N Smoke from 2585 E. Division St. to 2435 E. Division St.

Consensus was given and formal approval required. MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Warner to Approve the new location of FMA USA Inc. d/b/a Stop N Smoke from 2585 E. Division St. to 2435 E. Division St. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Approve D Construction Contract-Will Road Alley & Division St. Watermain Improvements in the amount of $279,862.40

Village Engineer Mike Perry stated approval for the change order was completed at the December 2024 meeting. The pay application reflects the additional monies for the directional boring and the extra valve completed for the watermain on Division St. for a total increase of $18,962.00. Perry stated this total amount is what we anticipated the cost to be. MOTION was made by Commissioner Johnson, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher to Approve D Construction Pay Application -Will Road Alley & Division St. Watermain Improvements in the amount of $279,862.40. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Approve Conley Excavating, Inc. Change Order #1 and Pay Application #1

Village Engineer Mike Perry stated Change Order #1 reflects a $2,909.00 decrease from original contract price. They will complete the asphalt required work in the spring. With the Change Order #1 decrease, the Pay Application is in the amount of $300,665.61. MOTION was made by Commissioner Johnson, SECOND by Commissioner Warner to Approve Conley Excavating, Inc. Change Order #1 and Pay Application #1. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Approve 2025 Grundy County Sheriff Contract

Mayor Kernc stated this reflects the 3% annual increase which was approved several years ago. The amount due for the 2025 contract is $115,391.97. MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Warner to Approve the 2025 Grundy County Sheriff Contract in the amount of $115,391.97. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Approve Grundy County Transit Annual Financial Support in the amount of $1,000

Mayor Kernc stated this is a wonderful service for those individuals who need transportation. The GTS also receives donations which enables them to offer free rides to those in need. Kernc added, it goes along with our multiuse path and new 6’ sidewalks. These types of community enhancements are what CMAP judges and grades when looking at livable and walkable communities. MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Johnson to Approve Grundy County Transit Annual Financial Support in the amount of $1,000.00. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Waive Competitive Bid for WWTP Clarifier Catwalk Proposal

This Item was tabled.

Approve and Accept Bid for WWTP Clarifier Catwalk

This item was tabled

138 Winding Trails-Water Leak in Crawl After Meter

Village Clerk Lori Holmes stated after the Public Works Department read meters, she analyzes the reports and did notice a large increase in gallons used at this residence. The meter was re-read and determined there could be a leak. Public Works Supervisor Jim Dunning went to the home and found a leak in the pipe after the meter in the crawl. Since the water entered the ground and did not enter the village’s sewer system, she is requesting a sewer credit of $51.48. MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Warner to approve a sewer credit in the amount of $51.48. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

20 N Daly-Water Leak in Crawl After Meter at Copper Fitting

Village Clerk Lori Holmes stated after the Public Works Department read meters, she analyzes the reports and did notice a very large increase in gallons used at this dwelling. She immediately contacted the owner. The owner did contact Holmes back and stated there was a leak at the copper fitting. The landlord appreciated Holmes for contacting him regarding this. This water leak entered the ground and not into the village’s sewer system therefore, Holmes is requesting a sewer credit in the amount of $411.84. MOTION was made by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher to approve a sewer credit in the amount of $411.84. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Ferguson Waterworks Maintenance Agreement

Public Works Supervisor Jim Dunning stated this agreement is for the equipment, software, etc. for the meter reading system. Village Clerk Holmes added the village will be invoiced at the end of February. MOTION was made by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Johnson to Approve Ferguson Waterworks Maintenance Agreement in the amount of $4,814.64. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Approval for John Guistat Training Request to Attend IRWA 3-day Technical Conference for Water and Wastewater

Mayor Kernc stated by attending this conference, he will receive credits toward his certification/license. Kernc recommends him attending and Commissioner Warner absolutely agrees. Commissioner Kasher was concerned if he attends this training, you are committed to staying with the village for approximately 2 years. Kernc explained this is not class training, this is a seminar type of event. The commitment is when the employee attends classes-which is the next agenda item. Warner stated he must attend to show he is active in this role, and he receives credit hours for attending the conference. Commissioner Kasher was concerned about allowing all this training for the employees. Kernc stated there could be a change in the EPA which would require each water system to have one full-time operator in the plant and Test would not qualify in the position they currently hold for the village. Nothing is official for this requirement. Commissioner Johnson stated the village needs to make sure that the staff at the plant are not allowed to take vacations, days off etc. at the same time. Kernc replied, “We already do that.” The staff inside the village hall do coordinate their schedules already and they will too. Dunning oversees that as well as Kernc. Kernc added, she will be reaching out to other municipalities to obtain their pay scales for the Water and Wastewater positions and after that, she and Warner will discuss a plan regarding pay scales here. MOTION was made by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Johnson to Approve John Guistat to Attend the IRWA 3-day Technical Conference for Water and Wastewater. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Approve John Guistat JJC Water A & B Class, Thursdays 6pm-8:45pm

Mayor Kernc stated it is her understanding that after Guistat attends this training, he will have all the training which is required for water and wastewater operations. He will then need the required working hours and after he fulfills the necessary hours, he will receive his license for water and wastewater. Kernc stated the cost of class and mileage is approximately $1,200.00. MOTION was made by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher to Approve John Guistat to attend JJC Water A & B Class, Thursdays from 6pm-8:45pm. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Approve Mike Jenke JJC Water Treatment C & D Review Class, Tuesdays 6pm-8:45pm

Mayor Kernc stated Jenke is at the beginning of the water classes. The cost for him to attend is approximately $1,200.00 for the class and mileage. Jenke will still have wastewater classes to attend at some future date. MOTION was made by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Johnson to Approve Mike Jenke to Attend JJC for the Water Treatment C & D Review Class on Tuesdays, from 6pm-8:45pm. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Approve Mayor Kernc’s Travel and Hotel Expense to Attend the IML Lobby Day

Mayor Kernc stated this is for a one-night stay at the Doubletree at a cost of $ 135.00 per night + tax and she will complete a mileage reimbursement form for her travel cost for her attendance at the IML Lobby Day to be held April 2, 2025. MOTION was made by Commissioner Johnson, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher to Approve Mayor Kernc’s Travel and Hotel Expense to Attend the IML Lobby Day. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Update: Claypool Drainage District/Farmstone

Mayor Kernc stated this is regarding the homes on Amber Drive which back up to the Claypool Drainage ditch, who are encountering beaver dams, tree roots and other things that obstruct Claypool from draining properly. Bob Koerner is deflecting any concerns which have been brought to his attention. He states the issues were created when the village allowed homeowners to install fences. Kernc stated she will try to partner with him to bring in the necessary equipment to clean the drainage out. It will be a band-aid and will not take care of the total issues. Koerner states the village took it on when we annexed the property. Commissioner Kasher stated that if this is how Koerner feels, then he should stop collecting fees from all the taxpayers. That is what the taxes are for: to take care of the Claypool Ditch all the way to the Mazon River. Kasher is very upset about this and was very vocal regarding this issue. Kasher said when you go to other towns like Dwight, they dip their ditches and keep them clean. The taxpayer’s money is collected to keep the ditch clean and is not nor has been done.

Burt Estates

Mayor Kernc stated she was informed by the school that a resident in Burt Estates had their water shut off for 1 year and their child was showering at the school. Kernc had Village Clerk Holmes reach out to Burt Estates and did not get cooperation from them. They were not aware of the situation. Holmes requested the shut-off policy from the contracted water company to no avail. Holmes contacted them again and the Manager Naomi asked to speak with Kernc. Burt Estates has a contract with an independent water company which installs and services their meters and bills the residents in the community. Naomi told Kernc they cannot legally shut water off. The water billing company does that when they have not received payment. Naomi told Kernc she was unaware of a family with a child that was without water services for a year. Commissioner Warner inquired if the village has no jurisdiction since it is private property. Village Attorney John Gallo stated that it would be correct since the dwellings are separately metered by a company, and they collect payments for the service. If they do not have water, then the county must deem the dwelling uninhabitable. Kernc will inform the school about issues like this and who they should contact in the future.

Old Business

Grundy and Will County Sheriff’s Monthly Update

Nothing out of ordinary

Legal Counsel

No Report

Engineer Updates

Village Engineer Mike Perry stated he just received information from Chris Perra at Test, Inc. about the EPA requirement for the 40-hour water operator requirement in each water system. The EPA has backed off that requirement at this present time.

Public Works Department Updates

Public Works Supervisor Jim Dunning stated the new sludge pump has been installed. The capacity of the new pump has the capacity of the 2 previous pumps. The new pump’s capacity is 300 gallons per minute versus the old pump capacity was 150 gallons per minute. Kernc would like to purchase another pump which has a 300-gallon capacity, therefore eliminating 3 pumps and utilizing 2 pumps and keeping one of the lower capacity pumps as a backup. Dunning continued and stated they are still waiting for the high service pump to be delivered. They are going to have to replace the snowplow blade on the F450 next year. Dunning informed the board of the water leak which was found at the old trailer park. A 1” service line has been leaking so to eliminate further leaks; in the spring the Public Works Department will need to cut open the road to access the water main to shut the complete eastside of the park. Kernc inquired about a sanitary lid which fell in and was to be pulled out by Wren Construction. Kernc wants to make sure it is covered and completed.

Clerk Updates

Village Clerk Lori Holmes presented information regarding an issue at 95 School St. She asked Dunning to explain the situation. Dunning stated that when the new watermain was being installed, he received a call from Conley asking if they should connect the line at this location and Dunning stated no. That is a dead line which was disconnected along with the removal of the water meter. This line went behind and into the garage where an old catering service was located. So that was done and 2 weeks later, Dunning receives a call from someone stating they have no water in their garage. Dunning stated, yes, that line was not tied in when the new work was completed. The resident asked what he can do to get it tied back in. Dunning explained, if we do that, you will also have to have a water meter and pay for 2 water meter bills. Dunning then explained the alternative to connect from the house to the garage. Dunning did tell the resident that he had not been paying for the water which was used in the garage all these years. He has been receiving free water. Kernc stated they have been receiving free water for over 13 years. Dunning added, the water was shut off originally at the B-box when the meter was removed but someone must have turned it back on. Holmes added, the resident also has a pool which was most likely filled with unmetered water. Holmes informed the board that the fiber optic lines have been installed at the village hall and the WWTP/WTP and is cancelling the COAX contract with Comcast. She is also working on booking services for the 2025 Fall Fun Fest.

Commissioner Comments

Commissioner Adair


Commissioner Johnson

No Report

Commissioner Kasher

No Report

Commissioner Warner

No Report

Mayor Kernc

Mayor Kernc informed the board of an accident she saw in another municipality, of which 2 Public Works employees were trimming trees and were electrocuted. Kernc said in case a resident complains about streetlights which do not have Christmas decorations on them, the staff need to reply and let them know those streetlights cannot have anything hung on them due to OSHA regulations. Kernc also saw in the news that a snowplow hit a lady in an Aldi parking lot. Kernc wants Dunning to reiterate to the public works department about safety in plowing. We are not equipped with backup cameras and people are not careful themselves while driving/walking etc. So, we must be extra careful. Since we did have a small accident with one of the plows, Village Clerk Holmes found training through the IML which will be completed by the public works department. Commissioner Kasher added, no matter how careful one is, accidents do happen, i.e. back into mailboxes, etc. Kasher said he is careful himself and unfortunately, he has had minor accidents. Kernc is hoping that with the training, it can help with our yearly premium costs. Kernc stated she was on a CMAP committee meeting, and they currently use NOAA Atlas 14 (which is Precipitation Frequency Data Server) that 100-year events happen 1 time a decade. Since 2020 in Northern Illinois, we have had 3. What the new system will do is anticipate severe weather through 2100. This could impact on building codes, storm water, etc. Commissioner Warner stated the models that they use for the predictions, we have a lot of historical data going back to the 1970’s. They have tried to train their models, and they test it on the historical data and guess how much they got correct? Absolutely zero. Warner stated, “And now they are going to predict the future for us?” Interesting. Kernc concluded, her main point is she is glad the village is doing 1-2 stormwater projects each year. Synergy is moving forward with the solar farm on Valerio Road, and it is predicted the construction could start in 2026. The village will be getting 5 acres. Since we don’t have the money to make it a full detention pond, she asked, “Wouldn’t it be a cheaper alternative for a retention pond and we mow the grass?” This is a subject matter she would like the board to think about only. There was no further discussion on this matter.

MOTION was made to adjourn at 7:08 p.m. by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Johnson. All Ayes: Motion Carried.




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