Grand Ridge Community Consolidated School District No. 95 Board of Education met Tuesday, Jan. 17.
Here are the minutes as provided by Grand Ridge CCSD No. 95:
January 17, 2017
The January regular monthly Grand Ridge School Board of Education meeting was called to order in regular session by President Rich Frye, on Tuesday, January 17, at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken. Answering present were: Rich Frye, Mike Galletti, Steve Durdan, Ken Bernard. Also present was Ted Sanders, Terry Ahearn and Melissa Bernard. Julie Angus joined the meeting at 7:03 p.m. Absent Todd Stehl and Mike Wielgopolan.
Visitors to the meeting were Lisa Killelea and Laurie Walters.
After the Pledge of Allegiance, a motion to approve the minutes of the December meetings was made by Ken Bernard. This was seconded by Steve Durdan. Voice vote taken: All Ayes. Motion passed.
The Treasurer's report was read and approved, to be placed on file for further audit with a motion made by Steve Durdan and seconded by Julie Angus. Voice vote taken. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Payment of Bills: The bills for the month of January were inspected and presented for payment. A motion was made to approve the bills by Julie Angus. This was seconded by Steve Durdan. Roll call vote was taken. All Ayes. Motion carried.
A motion as made by Mike Galletti to do a transfer $1,505.00 from Operations and Maintenance to Debt Services for interest payment on land. This was seconded by Ken Bernard. Roll call vote was taken. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Public Comment: There was no Public Comment
2017 Board Meeting Calendar; A motion was made by Steve Durdan to approve the 2017 Board Meeting dates of the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. This was seconded by Ken Bernard. Voice vote taken. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Board Policy: Mr. Sanders provided an overview to the Board on the proposed changes for the Board Policy. This was the first reading of policy updates. Todd Stehl arrived at 7:14 p.m.
Principal's Report. Mr. Ahearn discussed the following.
O Discipline Report: Mr. Ahearn reviewed with the Board the December discipline report.
o Attendance: Mr. Ahearn reviewed with the Board the absences for the month of December.
O January Calendar: Mr. Ahearn shared with the Board the January calendar.
Superintendent's Report:
O Health Life Safety Amendment #25: A motion was made by Ken Bernard to pass a resolution proclaiming the work on Health Life Safety Amendment #25 completed and appropriate documentation will be submitted to the state under section 2-3-12 of the Illinois School Code. This was seconded by Mike Galletti. Voice vote taken. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Maintenance Report: The boiler broke down over Christmas Break. Work has begun to get the back-up generator repaired so it will prevent pump failure on the boiler. Brian Bardson is learning the ropes and will be on his own beginning January 17". We had issues with ice on the parking lot and had to hire out the work on an as needed basis to spread salt. In the future we would like to partner with the village, but have to give them more notice so they can include the extra cost of additional salt in their budget. Technology Update: Rich Applebee and Dan Mulinazzi programmed our new Chromebooks which will be replacing our old laptops as they begin to fail. They also trained the staff on how to use them and interface with the new smartboard. 125 Plan Renewal: A motion to approve Infinisource as the administrator of our 125 Cafeteria Plan was made by Steve Durdan. This was seconded by Julie Angus. Voice vote take. All Ayes. Motion carried. A motion to be allowed to use the electronic signature of the board Treasurer for issuing reimbursement checks when necessary was made by Mike Galletti. This was seconded by Julie Angus. Voice vote taken. All Ayes. Motion carried. TIF updates: Mr. Sanders gave an update on the TIF for the City of Streator.
Executive Session - There was no executive session due to not having any items to be discussed.
A motion to hire Paula Krohe as the nurse for $50 per/day to administer medications and provide medical treatment from 11:00 am to 1 pm each day was made by Julie Angus. This was seconded by Steve Durdan. Voice vote taken. All Ayes. Motion carried,
The Board received from the GREA official notification to commence negotiations.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ken Bernard. This was seconded by Steve Durindan. Voice vote taken: All Ayes. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:11 p.m.
The next regular meeting of the Grand Ridge School Board of Education will be held on Tuesday, February 14, at 7:00 p.m.