Sandwich Committee of the Whole Council met Thursday, Jan. 16.
Here are the minutes as provided by Sandwich:
Mayor Olson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
Roll call was taken:
Present: Mayor Olson, City Clerk Ii, Aldermen Dell, Fraser, Killey, Redden, Robinson & Scheidecker
Also present: Attorney Buick & Department of Public Works / City Engineer Horak,
Absent: City Treasurer Webber. Alderman McMahon, Chief Bianchi & EMA Director Ciciora
Mayor Olson
Committee-of-the-Whole Council Meeting January 16, 2017 @ 7:00 PM
Mayor Olson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
Roll call was taken:
Present: Mayor Olson, City Clerk Ii, Aldermen Dell, Fraser, Killey, Redden,
Robinson & Scheidecker
Also present: Attorney Buick & Department of Public Works / City Engineer Horak,
Absent: City Treasurer Webber. Alderman McMahon, Chief Bianchi & EMA Director Ciciora
Mayor Olson
Discussion on proposed Ordinance 2016-19 establishing regulations for travel, meal and lodging expense reimbursement. Attorney Buick provided the background history on the proposed ordinance in compliance with the new Local Government Travel Expense Control Act (PA 99-0604). The effective date of the Act is January 1, 2017. After 60 days (March 20th), any reimbursement to employees must be approved by a roll call, unless the local municipality has adopted the new ordinance.
The City Attorney suggested using the GSA (Government Services Administration) rate that has been adopted by neighboring municipalities. This rate changes annually that would eliminate the need to update an expense reimbursement ordinance in the future. Council was divided whether to use the GSA rate or to use a set rate of “not to exceed” in the language for the proposed ordinance. If the Council is leaning toward using a set “not to exceed amount”, Attorney Buick suggested the Council review historic data from City Hall to determine the base utilizing actual reimbursed amounts. Discussion to continue.
Discussion on proposed chicken ordinance: Council reviewed recommendations previously suggested to create an ordinance allowing chickens inside City limits. Recommendations included, but not limited to, coop permits, fence permits, number of hens, installation of electricity to the coop, and inspections by the City. In discussion of free range chickens, Alderman Dell expressed concern noting that his constituents did not have a problem of allowing chickens inside city limits but with the caveat of “but not next door”. Mayor advised the Council will continue to review the proposed ordinance before requesting a draft drawn by the City Attorney.
Discussion on proposed Comcast customer service ordinance: In July, 2016, the Council passed Ordinance 2016-08 that amended the Municipal Code regarding construction of facilities on the City’s rights-of-way. Under the Southwest Fox Valley Cable & Telecommunications Consortium, a second ordinance will be requested addressing customer service. More information will be available at next week’s meeting.
Announcement: The will be a meeting at City Hall on Thursday, January 19th, 2017, at 3 PM. The meeting will discuss the future of the proposed new police station located in the old Designed Stairs building on 6th Street. Harbour Construction will be present, and a possible tour of the building will follow the meeting.
Mayor Olson reported that the recent surplus auction netted $9,008.00 in sales.
Foster, Buick, Conklin, Lundgren & Tritt, LLC: No report
City Clerk: No report
City Treasurer: Absent
Director of Public Works / City Engineer Horak:
2016 Concrete Street Maintenance Project (16-00000-01-GM): Enigneer Horak has received a Request of Change in Plans #1 that results in a net increase to the contract of $6,355.00 giving a final contract amount of $309,169.00. Some of the changes were due to additional inlets, patching, and sidewalk adjustment.
Pay Request #2 (final) has been received from Universal Asphalt & Excavating Inc. in the amount of $34,790.00. MFT funds will be utilized from budget line item 110.0000.90.6860. The warranty period will expire November 30, 2017. Additionally, two (2) outstanding items remain: (1) contractor to seal expansion joints at sidewalk and curb interface, and (2) contractor to replace sidewalk at Sunset Avenue / Cindy Lane because of footprints in the cement.
Chief Bianchi: Sergeant Ravnikar was present in the Chief’s absence. No report.
EMA: Absent
Alderman Dell: No report
Alderman Fraser: No report
Alderwoman Killey advised that the finance committee will meet immediately following this evening’s Committee-of-the-Whole meeting.
Alderman McMahon: Absent
Alderman Moran: No report
Alderman Redden: No report
Alderman Robinson reported that Alderman McMahon is visiting Washington DC, and investigating leads on grant money.
Alderman Scheidecker: No report
New Business: None
Audience Comments: None
There being no further business to come before the Council, motion made by Alderman Redden and seconded by Alderman Robinson to adjourn the Committee-of-the-Whole Council meeting at 7:52 PM. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.