
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Seneca Village Council met August 1


Seneca Village Council met Aug. 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Roll Call: Present: Applebee, Barla, Olson, Timmons, Spicer

Absent: none

A motion was made by Comm. Olson and seconded by Comm. Timmons that the Council approves the July 18, 2017 council meeting minutes as presented.

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Timmons, Applebee, Barla, Spicer

Nays: none

A motion was made by Comm. Olson and seconded by Comm. Barla that the Council approves the payment of bills as presented.

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Barla, Timmons, Applebee, Spicer

Nays: none

No Seneca Business Spotlight presentation

Communications, Petitions, Reports and Additional Agenda Items:

Old Business:

Public Property Timmons:

Comm. Timmons asked Engineer Guy Christensen to give an update to the proposed Union- Lincoln Street sewer tie-in project. Chamlin’s crew has surveyed the property and determined the exact location of the 2001 water easement. Mr. Christensen also met with current property owner, Ms. Peg Berta, to explain the project; she indicated she will discuss with her sibling. Mr. Christensen indicated that if the Berta’s are in agreement with the additional space needed to include the sewer line on the water easement, then the Village would replace the existing driveway. Mr. Christensen stated he would follow up with Ms. Berta before next Council meeting and plans will be drawn up at a later date. Council intention is to bid this project in conjunction with the sewer extension to the Graves Park.

Accounts and Finance Barla:

Commissioner Barla presented the yearly working cash ordinance for vote; no questions were asked.

A motion was made by Comm. Barla and seconded by Comm. Applebee that the council adopts ordinance #17-14, working cash fund.

Roll Call: Ayes: Barla, Applebee, Timmons, Olson, Spicer

Nays: none

New Business:

Public Property Timmons:

Comm. Timmons also stated that the water meter replacement program is continuing; an order including extra meters was recently placed and approval is needed.

A motion was made by Comm. Timmons and seconded by Comm. Olson that the council approves an expenditure of $12,738.00 to Ferguson Enterprises split out of the water and sewer departments.

Roll Call: Ayes: Timmons, Olson, Barla, Applebee, Spicer

Nays: none

In addition, Comm. Timmons stated the yearly software maintenance fee to Master Meter is due; no questions were presented.

A motion was made by Comm. Timmons and seconded by Comm. Applebee that the council approves an expenditure of $1,500.00 to Master Meter out of the water department.

Roll Call: Ayes: Timmons, Applebee, Barla, Olson, Spicer

Nays: none

Accounts and Finance Barla:

Commissioner Barla stated a resolution was created to authorize the transfer of funds from the existing 911 fund account to a rollover account for purchase of communication equipment.

A motion was made by Comm. Barla and seconded by Comm. Applebee that the council adopts resolution #539 authorizing transfer of funds from the 911 fund to the 911 rollover fund.

Roll Call: Ayes: Barla, Applebee, Timmons, Olson, Spicer

Nays: none

Public Affairs Mayor Spicer:

Mayor Spicer announced the 2017 Seneca Cruise Night event will fall on Saturday, August 26th from 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm and volunteers are needed for the parking of cars.

The item of approval of resolution to release certain executive session minutes will be tabled until after executive session.

Public Comment:

Resident Patricia Stevens indicated that a food service truck was parked adjacent to the Boondocks property last weekend and in addition a gas pump located at Anchor Inn Marina is once again operational. Ms. Stevens asked the council if they were aware of both items and if it were permissible. Mayor Spicer indicated he was not aware that either required permitting through the village.

A motion was made by Comm. Olson and seconded by Comm. Barla that the council enters into executive session to discuss review of executive session minutes.

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Barla, Applebee, Timmons, Spicer

Nays: none

A motion was made by Comm. Olson and seconded by Comm. Applebee that the council returns to regular session.

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Applebee, Barla, Timmons, Spicer

Nays: none

A motion was made by Comm. Olson and seconded by Comm. Barla that the council adopts resolution #540 to release executive session minutes.

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Barla, Timmons, Applebee, Spicer

Nays: none

A motion was made by Comm. Olson and seconded by Comm. Barla that the August 1, 2017 council meeting is adjourned at 7:27 pm.

Roll Call: Ayes: Olson, Barla, Timmons, Applebee, Spicer

Nays: none
