Village of Tonica Board met Aug. 21.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
3. Guests -
4. Village Clerk Report: Heather Sherman
A. Minutes of July 17, 2017 Meeting
B. Water Bills
5. Treasurer's Report: Jessica Bonnell
A. Bills: board action
B. Audit (Action)
C. Intergovernmental agreement IMLRMA (Action)
6. Police Report: Chief Dave Woolford
A. Activities this past month
7. Water & Sewer/Streets & Alley Report: Marc Lemrise
A. Other activities the past month
8. Engineer's Report: Jack Kusek
A. Sewer Plant Update
9. Attorney's Report: Bob Steele
A. Obermiller Tif Agreement (Action)
10. Trustees Comments & Complaints
11. Adjourn Meeting