Village of North Utica Committee of the Whole met July 26.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
I. 7:00 p.m. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Appearance Request: Ms. Kristie Eager, Superintendent Waltham Elementary School re: Updates on the Construction of a New School
V. Appearance Request: Mr. Roy Dittle, 2891 e 765TH Rd., Utica re: Sewer Connection
VI. Village Clerk
1.) Discussion and possible recommendation regarding a new trash / recycle collection schedule.
VII. Village Treasurer
VIII. Governmental Affairs Liaison
IX. Park & Recreation Liaison
X. Streets, Lights & Alleys Liaison
XI. Finance Liaison
XII. Donation / Advertising / Event Requests:
1.) Consideration and Possible Recommendation re:
a) Starved Rock Runners Annual Canal Connection Race 11-4-18 10 am
b) Donation to Starved Rock Runners Canal Connection Race
c) Advertising in Travel Illinois Magazine
XIII. Police Department Liaison
XIV. Water / Sewer Liaison
XV. Building/Zoning Officer
XVI. Maintenance Department
1.) Update - Ongoing projects in the Village
2.) Update – Schedule for the completion of the Lincoln St. Drainage Project
3.) Update – Schedule for Florence Dr. Project
XVII. Engineer’s Report
1.) Update – Ongoing projects in the Village
2.) Update - Johns St. / Hitt St. Road Project
3.) Update – IDOT IL River Bridge Project
XVIII. Attorney’s Report
XIX. President’s Report
XX. Committees / Trustees
1.) Trustee Reports
a) Update on Pork Fest Event
b) Consideration and Possible Recommendation re: Annual Pork Fest Event Budget not to exceed $40,000
XXI. Public Comment
XXII. Executive Session
1.) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees
2.) Pending/Imminent Litigation
3.) Purchase / Sale of Real Estate
XXIII. Possible recommendations regarding Executive Session including:
1.) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees
2.) Purchase / Sale of Real Estate
XXIV. Adjournment