Village of North Utica Committee of the Whole will meet on October 24.
Here is the agenda as provided by the committee:
I. 7:00 p.m. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Village Clerk:
1.) Consideration and Possible Recommendation on an Invoice: Chamlin & Associates-payment for engineering cost for the Johns St. / Hitt St. Project in the amount of $ 11,706.00
2.) Consideration and Possible Recommendation on an Invoice: IDOT –payment toward expense for the IL River Bridge Project in the amount of $ 49,215.11
V. Village Treasurer
VI. Governmental Affairs Liaison:
1.) Update on the Utica Business Association
2.) Update on the Christmas in the Village Event weekend being held on 11-24-18 and 11-25-18
VII. Park & Recreation Liaison
1.) Consideration and Possible Recommendation regarding the shared cost (with Utica Little League) of repairs to be performed on the Ballfield at Neighbor’s Park.
VIII. Streets, Lights & Alleys Liaison
IX. Finance Liaison
X. Donation / Advertising / Event Requests
XI. Police Department Liaison
XII. Water / Sewer Liaison
XIII. Building/Zoning Officer
XIV. Maintenance Department
1.) Update - Ongoing projects in the Village
2.) Update – Status of the Sewer Lagoon Dredging Project
XV. Engineer’s Report
1.) Update – Ongoing projects in the Village
2.) Update – Status of MTCO boring for I Fiber
3.) Update – Status IL River Bridge project
4.) Update – Status Repairs to damaged guardrail
XVI. Attorney’s Report
XVII. President’s Report
XVIII. Committees / Trustees
1.) Trustee Reports
XIX. Public Comment
XX. Executive Session
1.) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees
2.) Pending/Imminent Litigation
3.) Purchase / Sale of Real Estate
XXI. Possible recommendations regarding Executive Session including:
1.) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees
2.) Purchase / Sale of Real Estate
XXII. Adjournment