City of La Salle City Council met May 6.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
Present- Alderman Demes, Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane
Absent: None
A quorum was present.
Moved by Alderman Demes and seconded by Alderman Reynolds to accept and place on file minutes of the April 22, 2019 Regular City Council meeting. Each and every alderman has a copy.
Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Chief Andy Bacidore presented Paul Etscheid with a plaque to congratulate him on his retirement and to honor his 32 years of service to the Fire Department. Chief Bacidore thanked him for his years of service and stated that the department will be losing 32 years of experience. The Mayor thanked Mr. Etscheid and his family for the sacrifice, support and dedication made over the years to the City of La Salle. Mr. Etscheid read a prepared statement thanking the City, Mayor Grove, Chief Bacidore, his wife, family, and his fellow firefighters.
Mrs. Rodney Perez came before the council and introduced her niece Laura Smith and great nephew Cody Jones. Mrs. Perez explained that 14 year old Cody was involved in an accident in March while working on a car. The car pinned him against a wall causing life threatening injuries. The family was present before the City Council to express their appreciation to La Salle’s EMTs and first responders. Laura Smith stated that the family believes the timely response was crucial in getting Cody life flighted to Peoria. Laura referred to Cody as a walking miracle, as he sustained many serious injuries and is still recovering. It was Cody’s wish to come before the council and thank those EMTs and first responders in person. Several of the EMTs and first responders were present. Mayor Grove praised Cody, at this young age, for making the effort to reach out and thank those who helped him.
Moved by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Demes to start the process regarding the request from Carus Corporation to vacate a portion of the alley within Block 27 in the Original Town, City of La Salle, Illinois between 8th and 9th Streets, La Harpe and Sterling Streets. Each and every alderman has a copy.
Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Moved by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Herndon to refer the request of Carus Corporation to rezone premises commonly known 826 La Harpe Street more particularly known as Lot 9 and 1201 8th Street more particularly known as Lot 10 and potential vacated alley, all part of Block 27 in the Original Town, City of La Salle from R-3 (Two Family Residence) to C-3 (Central Business) to the Planning Commission. Each and every alderman has a copy.
Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Crane to grant the requests from Ameren Illinois to break ground at-10th and Creve Coeur Street to replace valve box and at 1571 N. Joliet Street to retire gas service. Each and every alderman has a copy.
Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Moved by Alderman Demes and seconded by Alderman Reynolds to grant the request from Comcast and AXS Points to directional bore underneath Wright Street to install a replacement CATV cable at a depth of 36” minimum between an existing CATV lockbox located in rear of 435 First Street and thru alley to existing CATV pedestal at 527 First Street. Each and every alderman has a copy. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Moved by Alderman Lavieri seconded by Alderman Jeppson to grant the request from Comcast and Porter Installations to directional bore underneath Civic Road to install underground CATV service cable across Civic Road to provide service as requested to 342 Civic Road all within R.O.W of Civic Road and on private property. Each and every alderman has a copy.
Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Moved by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Lavieri to accept the recommendation of the Finance Committee and deny the request from NCI ARTworks for a monetary sponsorship in order to remain consistent with current giving practices. Each and every alderman has a copy.
Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Moved by Alderman Demes and seconded by Alderman Reynolds to grant the request from Ray Aubry on behalf of the Illinois Knights of Columbus Council #1775 for permission to hold its annual “Hunger Blitz” at Illinois Valley Food & Deli and Save-A- Lot on Saturday, February 1, 2020 with February 8, 2020 as a snow date. Each and every alderman has a copy.
Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Moved by Alderman Bacidore and seconded by Alderman Ptak to refer the request from Carolyn Entrician for the installation of a speed bump on the 2000 block of La Harpe St. to the Streets, Alleys and Traffic Committee.
Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Alderman Bacidore announced that the Streets, Alleys, and Traffic Committee will meet at 6:15 p.m. on May 20, 2019.
Economic Development Director Katherine Koyak stated that applicants for future RIP grants will be scrutinized closely and all applications must be completed correctly and contain all required information prior to council consideration.
Moved by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Lavieri to grant the request from Christie Pasieka and Michelle Oleson, owners of 552 First Street (formerly Last Muffler and Brake) for a Redevelopment Incentive Program grant totaling $12,500. Each and every alderman has a copy.
ROLL CALL: AYE: Alderman Demes, Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane
NAY: None Absent: None Abstain: None
Motion Carried 8-0
Moved by Alderman Herndon and seconded by Alderman Reynolds to accept and place on file the Monthly Police Income Report for March 2019 showing total fees collected of $10,221.04. Each and every alderman has a copy.
Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Moved by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Lavieri to accept and place on file the Treasurer’s Treasurer’s Report for April 2019 showing total cash balances in the La Salle State Bank of $8,235,139.55 and in Hometown National Bank of $2,435,137.94. Each and every alderman has a copy.
Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Clerk Brown opened one sealed bid submitted for the potential sale of 540 First Street. The bid received was from Gary Hammers in the amount of $5,000. Clerk Brown read the proposal enclosed with the bid which outlined a plan to build a Pavilion Shelter by June 2020 to be used for various events. (Exhibit A) Each and every alderman has a copy.
It was moved by Alderman Lavieri and seconded by Alderman Jeppson to refer the bid to the Economic Development Committee for further study and discussion.
Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
BIDS: Gary Hammers-$5,000
Attorney McPhedran confirmed with Mr. Nedza who was present that the accessory building will be used as a personal work shop/hobby shop as opposed to a commercial business. Mr. Nedza confirmed that to be true.
Moved by Alderman Bacidore and seconded by Alderman Crane to accept the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding the request of Joe Nedza for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance to allow the construction of a Morton style accessory building for purposes of utilizing the structure as a personal work/hobby shop on premises located at 536 Rt. 6 which premises is currently zoned R-1 and related matters. Each and every alderman has a copy.
ROLL CALL: AYE: Alderman Demes, Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane
NAY: None Absent: None Abstain: None
Motion Carried 8-0
Moved by Alderman Ptak and Alderman Jeppson to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission regarding the request of Adam Kamphaus, owner of the Sunken Ship Tattoo for a Special Use Permit to operate a Tattoo Parlor at 210 Marquette Street, which premises is currently zoned C-3.
ROLL CALL: AYE: Alderman Demes, Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane
NAY: None Absent: None Abstain: None
Motion Carried 8-0
Moved by Alderman Lavieri and seconded by Alderman Jeppson to Confirmation action on straw poll taken regarding a request from AT&T to directional bore and place (1) 1.25” innerduct parallel to N. 30th Road/Civic Road and across the entrance to the Flying J Gas Station (231’) and also across Corporate Drive (174’). Each and every alderman has a copy.
Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Alderman Demes stated that he suggested the council review our current Taxi Cab ordinance and consider possible amendments to include a requirement that background checks are conducted on drivers as well as possible amendments to other areas.
Moved by Alderman Demes and seconded by Alderman Reynolds to have Attorney McPhedran review and create a draft ordinance with potential amendments to Title XI, Chapter 117 of the La Salle City Code which relates to Taxi Cabs and Public Vehicles for the council’s consideration.
Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Moved by Alderman Lavieri and seconded by Alderman Herndon to accept and place on file IDOT Compliance Review #72 covering the receipt and disbursement of Motor Fuel Tax funds by the city for the period beginning January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018. Each and every alderman has a copy.
Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Ptak to approve and place on file Ordinance 2808: An Ordinance Making Transfers of Amounts Appropriated from One Corporate Purpose to Another Corporate purpose Each and every alderman has a copy.
ROLL CALL: AYE: Alderman Demes, Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane
NAY: None Absent: None Abstain: None
Motion Carried 8-0
Ordinance 2808: An Ordinance An Ordinance Making Transfers of Amounts Appropriated from One Corporate Purpose to Another Corporate purpose
Attorney McPhedran stated that the ordinance will make clear that the accessory building will be constructed for personal use and will not be commercial. Mr. Nedza understands that he needs to obtain the proper permits from IDOT to gain access to the property.
Moved by Alderman Bacidore and seconded by Alderman Reynolds approve and place on file Ordinance 2809: An Ordinance Ordinance Authorizing a Variance Concerning premises as requested by Joseph E. Nedza regarding premises at 536 Route 6 regarding construction and use of an accessory structure. Each and every alderman has a copy.
ROLL CALL: AYE: Alderman Demes, Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane
NAY: None Absent: None Abstain: None
Motion Carried 8-0
Ordinance 2809: Authorizing a Variance Concerning premises as requested by Joseph E. Nedza regarding premises at 536 Route 6 regarding construction and use of an accessory structure.
Alderman Ptak explained that at the Planning Commission hearing regarding the Sunken Ship Tattoo matter brought forward some concerns about setting a precedent. To address that issue, in the ordinance there are provisions in Section 2(3) requiring the Special Use Permit is renewed. Alderman Ptak suggested a three year renewal period. The petitioner would not need to go through the formal hearing process, but the renewal could be granted jointly at the discretion of the Economic Development Director or Building Inspector. Attorney McPhedran stated that the ordinance provides that any other terms and provisions the City Council deems appropriate in the circumstances must be adhered to by the petitioner, therefore giving the council the authority to include the renewal requirement. In addition, certain other conditions are outlined in the ordinance which include the petitioner obtaining a lease in regard to the premises, that all rules and regulations of the City of La Salle in regard to obtaining any necessary building permits and other requirements in the City of La Salle ordinances are followed. In addition, the petitioners must comply with such other governmental rules and regulations that may be applicable. In addition, the Special Use Permit is not assignable to another party without the consent of the City Council. One of the significant factors in the Planning Commission’s consideration was that fact that the petitioner has operated the same type of business in this City for years. For the record, Attorney McPhedran indicated that Mr. Kamphaus, his business partner Scott Kalita and the owners of 210 Marquette Street were present and have heard the conditions as outlined.
Moved by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Reynolds to approve and place on file Ordinance 2810: An Ordinance Authorizing the Granting of Special Use Permit within the City of LaSalle, LaSalle County, Illinois (J. Adam Kamphaus d/b/a The Sunken Ship Tattoo) Each and every alderman has a copy.
ROLL CALL: AYE: Alderman Demes, Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane
NAY: None Absent: None Abstain: None
Motion Carried 8-0
Ordinance 2810: An Ordinance Ordinance Authorizing the Granting of Special Use Permit within the City of LaSalle, LaSalle County, Illinois (J. Adam Kamphaus d/b/a The Sunken Ship Tattoo)
Building Inspector Andy Bacidore reminded the public that in order for mattresses or box springs to be picked up by Republic Services they must be wrapped in plastic.
Economic Development Director Katherine Koyak announced that the City received a $200,000 Safe Routes to Schools Grant which will allow new sidewalks to be installed in certain areas of town. The grant is 100% funded. Katherine thanked the schools and City Engineer Brian Brown for their assistance and cooperation in applying for the grant.
Alderman Demes reminded residents not to put grass clippings into the streets.
Mayor Grove thanked Pohar and Sons for the timely demolition of five homes in the City. He stated that the demolitions are being paid for through grant money. Alderman Crane thanked the Fire Department for the great job on the controlled burn conducted last Sunday.
Mayor Grove asked residents to keep up with cutting grass at their properties.
Moved by Alderman Ptak and seconded by Alderman Lavieri that bills Total Submitted: $691,146.65 (Total Payroll $172,301.47, Bills to be Paid $128,619.18, Total Bills Paid $390,226.00) be accepted, paid and placed on file. Each and every alderman has a copy.
ROLL CALL: AYE: Alderman Demes, Bacidore, Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane
NAY: None Absent: None Abstain: None
Motion Carried 8-0
Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Demes to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion is carried.
ADJOURNED 7:07 p.m.