
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Rezin assails Springfield's top Democrats: 'Threats are no way to get the job done'


State Sen. Sue Rezin | File photo

State Sen. Sue Rezin | File photo

Veteran state Sen. Sue Rezin (R-Morris) is disgusted as she’s ever been with the Democrats' way of governing Illinois.

“Threats are no way to get the job done,” Rezin told the Illinois Valley Times after Lt. Gov. Julianna Stratton recently warned voters if Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s progressive tax proposal fails to get the support it needs for passage on Nov.3, taxpayers could soon face a 20% state income tax hike to cover any looming budget shortfall. Such a steep rise would send rates soaring to an all-time personal high state income tax rate for residents of 5.94%.

Since then, the governor has essentially co-signed Stratton’s threat, further warning taxpayers it’s either the progressive tax or a 15% cut in government services, which could mean cuts in funding for education and public safety and a state property tax increase.

Rezin argues any plan that includes more taxes for the already hard-pressed simply assures more of the same struggles.

“That will only burden the middle-class more and run more of the true the job creators out of state,” she said. “You’ll see a max exodus of the people that provide the jobs and from among those that have been trying to stay for family or what have you. So many people are already burdened by everything that’s going on. The last thing they need is a taxing structure that puts an even higher burden on them.”

Rezin said that from all the voters she talks to across the state it seems clear to her that people are united in their stance against the so-called fair tax.

“Everyone I talk to the message is the same,” she said. “They don’t want to see anymore taxes and they’re not bashful about making that known.”