Rep. Tom Demmer (R-Dixon) | Facebook/Rep. Tom Demmer
Rep. Tom Demmer (R-Dixon) | Facebook/Rep. Tom Demmer
Rep. Tom Demmer (R-Dixon) said he stands with the majority of Illinois.
He recently spoke about the House Resolution 753 and said that further income tax increases should not be considered.
"I introduced this year House Resolution 753, it has dozens of co-sponsors on it, to affirm and stand with the majority of Illinoisans who rejected that tax in 2020 and say that it shouldn't be considered again. That we shouldn't look for ways to tighten our belts, to keep spending growth in check, and not simply set up a situation where a couple of short years from now Democrats are back in front of Illinois voters saying that the only solution is to raise taxes yet again. Enough is enough. We're standing strong with a majority of Illinoisans who agree that enough is enough and that's what we're talking about today," Demmer said.
House Resolution 753 affirms trust for Illinoisans who rejected the path to taxing retirement income back in the 2020 election.
“We stand with the majority of Illinois voters who rejected that tax increase, who said 'Enough is enough,' who said they didn't trust how their tax dollars were being spent right now, so why should they send more tax dollars to Springfield if they're not happy with the status quo? So, here we are today in 2022, why should we be concerned about this today? Why should we be talking about this again? Well the fact, I think, is pretty clear. The budget that we're operating under right now, we warned about this when it was being debated. The budget we're operating under right now grew spending from last year to this year by 10% while revenues are declining. In the meantime, the governor has used this avalanche of federal bailout cash to cover up and paper over some of the short-term financial pressures that we're facing.”
House Resolution 753 was introduced on March 24 and is co-sponsored by every House Republican.
The resolution was referred to the House Rules Committee on March 25, but has not moved out of that committee since.