City of LaSalle Finance Committee met Nov. 14.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Chairman Ptak Called the Meeting to order at 6:02pm
Present: Chairman Ptak, Aldermen Thompson, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon
Absent: NONE
Others Present: Others Present: Finance Director John Duncan, Deputy Clerk Brent Bader, Fire Chief Jerry Janick, Alderman Bacidore, Alderman Reynolds, Alderman Crane, Attorney Patrick Hermann
A quorum was present.
Moved by Alderman Thompson and seconded by Alderman Lavieri to approve and place on file the minutes of the Finance Committee for October 31, 2022.
Each and every alderman has a copy.
Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Fire Chief Janick discussed the potential purchase of a 2022 F550 Ambulance. This ambulance was not appropriate in this current budget. The delivery on ambulances is averaging 24 to 33 months. These numbers are current numbers as of today and not concrete from the manufacturer. The chassis is the variable for a more accurate number. This approval would be for the request to put an order in for one. They would probably be replacing the 2011 chassis that was purchased in 2013. The newest ambulance was purchased in 2018 with currently 50,000 miles. All of the current three ambulance units are diesel. The two quotes have been provided by Fire Service and Forest Coach. Chief Janick requests the power loaded cot to be in all future ambulance purchases. Fire Service has the powerload included but no graphics, which is about an additional $5,000 expense.
Fire Service quote was for about $290,000 and Forest Coach would be about $305,000. All three of the ambulance current units are Fire Service. Chief assumes that the old one would not trade it and possibly use it within the city fleet or sell it outright. Chief mentioned that the most economical unit would be Fire Service. Fire Service also has a mobile service.
Moved by Alderman Lavieri and seconded by Alderman Herndon to approve the ordering of a 2022 Ford F550 Diesel and accepting the bid from Fire Service.
AYE: Aldermen Thompson, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Chairman Ptak
NAY: None Absent: NONE Abstain: None
Taxy Levy Document – Exhibit A
Duncan stated that this was an initial discussion at what the City’s tax levy could look like for Tax year 2022 and payable in 2023. Duncan provided the committee with his Tax Levy Document. This plan would then proceed to the next meeting for a hearing. This does need to be approved by the second meeting in December.
This document included items that were levied for in the past years. This also included what was proposed for in the future and the percent increase. Duncan mentioned that the General fund is where the city has the biggest struggle in meeting the budget. The city will be retiring a bond off the city’s tax rolls. The audit fund shows a modest increase. Duncan also mentioned there was a decrease in the IMRF funds are a pretty solvent. The park and rec account would have a pretty healthy increase. Social Security has a projected decrease from $90,000 to $85,000 in the levy. The Library levy increase from $240,000 to $260,000 was in sync with what the city worked out years ago with the library. Duncan suggested remaining the same at $200,000 for the fire pension, has been pretty solvent. Once the fire pension becomes 100% funded, they will not levy for the full $200,000 but just the amount to cover the normal payroll. Duncan is projecting a 3.75% increase on the police pension levy because they are still currently under 40% funded into police pension. Looking at the non-bond side of the document, Duncan stated that $2,792,000.00 was levied and hopefully this year levy for $3,133,750.00, which would be a 12.24 % increase. This increase calls for a truth and taxation hearing at the next meeting, Nov. 28th. Duncan mentioned that $341,784 was levied last year for bonds, but this year not having to levy anything for that. This will offset what the city was asking for on the non-bond side. The LaSalle residents will pay the same amount on their property taxes this year that they will next year, as long as their assessed value stays the same. If this proposal is approved with the finance committee, the truth and taxation hearing will take place on Nov. 28th with the approval of the tax levy at the Dec. 12th meeting. Chairman Ptak is for this proposal and believes it will help the city’s general fund.
Duncan mentioned about the issue the city is having with getting stock in for new water meter MTU’s electronic piece. The MTU is a communication device that sends the meter read back to the city. In order to get a reading on the broken meters where the MTU has gone bad, the city has to send a worker out then to physically read the meter. There are approx. 200 homes with bad MTU’s and the city has been working to replace them. The MTUs are not coming in quick enough to replace, due to supply chain issues. On the last month billing, the city has been having to contact over 200 homes for their meter reading. If the city does not get a hold of the resident, there may have to be an estimate. The city can send a laborer in to collect the reading or with the cooperation of the resident, the resident can report their meter read monthly. This has been an ongoing issue for about 3 months now. Duncan and Supt. Public Works Watson are going to be meeting soon to discuss other alternatives, but this is currently labor intensive to make 200 calls in a one week span. Duncan wanted to make the aldermen aware, assuming they may be or have been fielding calls already in regards to this matter.
There were no more questions or comments from the public.
Moved by Alderman Lavieri and seconded by Alderman Jeppson to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Chairman Ptak adjourned the meeting at 6:26pm