
Illinois Valley Times

Friday, July 5, 2024

Coal City Village Board met Aug. 22

Coal City Village Board met Aug. 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

At 7:03 p.m. on Tuesday, August 22, 2023, Mayor Dave Spesia called to order the meeting of the Coal City Village Board in the boardroom of Village Hall. Roll call- Trustees Dave Togliatti, Pam Noffsinger, Tim Bradley, and Sarah Beach. Also in attendance were Ryan Hansen from Chamlin Engineering, Police Chief Chris Harseim and Matt Fritz, village administrator. Absent; Trustee Bill Mincey.

All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

The minutes of August 9, 2023, meeting were presented. Bradley moved to approve the minutes as written, second by Noffsinger. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Noffsinger and Bradley. Nays; none. Abstain; Greggain and Beach. Absent; Mincey. Motion carried.

The warrant list was presented. Bradley moved to approve the warrant list as presented, second by Greggain. Roll call-Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Noffsinger, Bradley and Beach. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Mincey. Motion carried.

There was no Public Comment at this meeting.

The Coal City Police Department have acquired one new officer. Clerk Stone swore in officer Kirstyn McKim. Chief Harseim presented Officer McKim with her badge. Officer McKim will attend the police academy on September 5. Kirstyn introduced herself to the board and grew up locally in next door Wilmington. The officer was welcomed by the Board.

A letter of request to hold the annual Knights of Columbus "Tootsie Roll Drive" was presented to the Board by Chairman William Pohl. The Board has previously approved the request and authorized the Mayor to execute the Proclamation for the three-day event on September 15th through September 17th. They will be soliciting on private property and the Board approved the request with no further action.

Cherie Sieger, representing the Coal City Junior Women's Club requested support for the Village's Tree Lighting Ceremony to be held on November 26, 2023, from 4p.m.-6p.m. in Campbell Memorial Park and a Chriskindle Outdoor Holiday Market for crafters to be held on November 26, 2023, from 12p.m.-4p.m. Sieger explained this would be an annual event to replace Octoberfest and asked if the Village would sponsor the hot chocolate and popcorn for the event. Sieger further requested support for the upcoming events in 2024 which are: Pinwheel Planting in Campbell Park for the month of April for Child Abuse Prevention Awareness month, and Plant flags in Campbell Park for Veterans Day and Memorial Day to honor and memorialize our war heroes of our community. Mayor Spesia showed his appreciation to the Junior Woman's Club for all their hard work and dedication to the community. Bradley moved to support the itinerary of events for the Coal City Junior Woman's Club, second by Beach. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Noffsinger, Bradley and Beach. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Mincey. Motion carried.

Mr. Fritz stated at the June 14, 2023 meeting, the Board opened sealed bids for three outlots that had been declared as surplus to assist with the final development of a cul-de-sac at the west end of Big Timber. One bid was received. A Purchase, Sale and Development Agreement has been drafted reflecting the village's negotiation with the bidder, Shawn Hamilton. The fee of $25,000 would be provided to the village to assist with installation of the cul-de-sac alongside the additional outlot would be provided, would remit 50% of its purchase price at a future date to further defray the cost of the street improvement. Ryan Hansen from Chamlin Engineering stated they approved the design that Hamilton has submitted for the plans of the cul-de-sac. Hamilton was present at the meeting and explained to the Board he plans on building a single-family home for himself and his family. Greggain moved to authorize Mayor Spesia to enter into the Purchase, Sale, and Development Agreement regarding surplus property at the west end of Big Timber, second by Togliatti. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Noffsinger, Bradley, Beach, and Mayor Spesia. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Mincey. Motion carried.

Mr. Fritz presented to the Board the intergovernmental agreement for location of Well #7 at Coal City Fire District Station #1. Mr. Fritz explained during the water treatment expansion, the location of the future raw water well provided for IEPA permitting was a location at Coal City Fire District #1. The Fire District has agreed to accommodate the location of the new well and offered to shelter the well head equipment that will be installed within the southwest interior corner of the existing detached garage where the village shall have its own code to access. Greggain moved to authorize Mayor Spesia to enter into the Easement Agreement regarding the location of Raw Water Well #7 at Fire Station #1, second by Togliatti. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Noffsinger, Bradley and Beach. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Mincey. Motion carried.

Mr. Fritz explained to Board, Jeff Pintar from Robinson Engineering was present at the meeting to explain the Quiet Zone related design improvements and permitting. Robinson Engineering has created the Quiet Zone Corridor and has been involved in the Federal Railroad Authority walk-throughs over 13 years. Due to the improvement at Route 113, IDOT and ICC have been conducting meetings to plan crossing improvements to increase safety. Pintar explained the improvements needed to create a 24-hour quiet zone per the FRA regulations that spans the entire Village, three separation locations would need improvements such as Division Street/ Lincoln Street, 1st Street/ 1st Avenue and Kankakee Street. Pintar explained the improvements include creating pavement removal plans for the dead ends at 1st Street and Kankakee Street. Creating design plans for a cul de sac at Lincoln Street and Division Street.

REL proposes to perform the engineering service in the above Scope of Services for a lump sum fee of $47,000. Trustee Noffsinger expressed her concern about the safety of the Quiet Zone and has heard feedback regarding the negative effects of Quiet Zones. She expressed how she was against moving forward. Trustee Togliatti expressed how he believed this would enhance all our safety improvements. Togliatti moved to authorize Robinson Engineering to Conduct the Design Engineering and Permitting to Enable the Establishment of a Quiet Zone Corridor for a cost not to exceed $47,000, second by Bradley. Roll call-Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Bradley and Beach. Nays; Noffsinger. Abstain; none. Absent; Mincey. Motion carried.

Mayor Spesia reported a public meeting on August 24, 2023, at 4p.m. at Village Hall to go over the North Broadway Project.

Trustee Beach reported that Phase 3 of Hope Helps Park will be completed on August 25, 2023. The grand opening for the park is September 10th at 2p.m. Beach also reported Fall Fest is filling up and they have added Makers Court, a second band to play and other recreational activities.

Trustee Bradley wished the Coal City Coalers good luck on their first game of the season.

Trustee Noffsinger reported she attended the public hearing at the Zoning Board meeting. Noffsinger explained there was a variance request of a shed at 500 E Batista Rd. The public hearing was held and will be presented to the Board at the next Village Board meeting. Noffsinger also reported there was a variance requesting a fence coming our way from 290 N. Irving.

Ryan Hansen from Chamlin Engineering reported on the Second Ave. Project is moving forward.

Chief Harseim thanked the Board for allowing the Police department to hire a new officer. They are excited to have a female officer on board. Chief Harseim went over the Grundy County Proactive Unity Activity Report.

Village Administrator, Matt Fritz reported the Village is working with staff that are speaking to residents about the housing rehabilitation program. Mr. Fritz explained we won't be able to fund housing improvements until the second quarter of next year. There is a meeting with NCICG on Thursday going over the list of residents that mentioned interest and qualify.

At 7:50 p.m. Trustee Bradley moved to enter Executive Session pursuant to 2C5(ILCS) to discuss a purchase of real property for public body to see if a particular parcel should be acquired, second by Beach. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Noffsinger, Bradley and Beach. Nays: none Abstain; none. Absent; Mincey. Motion carried.

Following the executive session, the regular meeting resumed at 8:17 p.m. Beach moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Togliatti. Roll call- Ayes; Togliatti, Greggain, Noffsinger, Bradley and Beach. Nays; none. Abstain; none. Absent; Mincey. Motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8:18p.m.




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