City of LaSalle Street, Alleys and Traffic Committee met Sept. 5.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Chairman Bacidore called the Meeting to order at 6:17pm
Present: Chairman Bacidore, Aldermen Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane
Absent: NONE
Others Present: Deputy Clerk Brent Bader, Alderman Bob Thompson, City Engineer Brian Brown, Economic Development Director Curt Bedei, Fire Chief Jerry Janick, City Treasurer Virginia Kochanowski, City Attorney James McPhedran (arrived at 6:23pm), Police Chief Mike Smudzinski (arrived at 6:27pm).
A quorum was present.
Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Ptak to approve and place on file the minutes of the Streets, Alleys and Traffic Committee for August 21, 2023.
Each and every aldermen has a copy.
Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Alderman Bacidore began the discussion in regards to the request for changes to parking on Zinc, Sterling, LaHarpe and 11th Streets including but not limited to to restricting parking on the street to one hour for residents and restricting commercial vehicles to one side of the street as well as extending the “No Parking” area at 15th and LaHarpe Streets. Deputy Clerk Bader mentioned that the petitioner, Cam Reisedel, was not present to explain his request beyond his letter. Bader also shared with the council members two different emails from residents explaining that they were opposed to it. Alderman Lavieri stated that he read the letters and questioned where all those cars would be going if the decided to restrict parking. He mentioned that La Salle is just an old city with narrow streets and people have more cars nowadays. Alderman Herndon stated that this is his ward and the only concern he has with this request with one picture of a freight trailer that was shared with the council members. This trailer is parked and located on Sterling Street, north of 11th. He does agree that trailers of this type should not be parked on the narrow roads. He stated that it is unheard of to limit parking for residents to one hour on their street, in front of their house.
Resident, Elton Murphy, stated that he has been a resident on LaHarpe Street for 40 plus years. He does not have a problem with residents parking in front of their homes against the curb. He does believe that commercial trucks should not be parked there. He does believe that there should be no parking on one side of the street. The streets are narrow and does not see how an emergency vehicle could get through there. Mr. Murphy stated that there were signs up for “No Parking on this Side” before EPA started to do work and has not replaced those signs.
Jack Haremski stated that he has been a resident on Zinc Street for 69 years. He stated that there have been no problems with parking on Zinc Street.
Deanne Hicks, stated that she lives on Porter St., next to the petitioner. She is uncertain as to what the petitioners request was. She mentioned that are maybe a few spots where there may be an issue when people are parked on the curbs and for others to go around on the narrow road.
Jamie Hicks stated that the EPA was doing work on a home at that particular spot. He stated how the homeowners did have to park on the curbs then while the work was being done. He stated how the EPA has caused many issues with parking in the neighborhood. He does not see any issues either in this area. He does agree with Mr. Murphy in regards to the issue with getting emergency vehicles down that road if parking on both sides is allowed.
Marty Schneider mentioned that many of the pictures shared tonight had mostly EPA vehicles that were causing the issues. Not only are they parking across from each other on both sides, but they are parking on the wrong side of the road, even blocking the driveway. Schneider does believe that if there needs to be “No Parking” signs, it should be at 11th and LaHarpe, where a resident parks his large truck and large SUV. This resident does have a huge driveway to use and park his vehicles.
Alderman Crane does believe that something needs to be done at 11th and LaHarpe.
Mr. Schneider asked if the city could talk to the EPA in regards to way they are parking their vehicles in the neighborhoods.
Alderman Crane asked Brian Brown to reach out to the EPA in regards to their issues that city is having with the EPA vehicles and their parking.
Another resident mentioned how they are throwing rocks all over the roads. The residents asked if maybe they could use flatter rock for certain areas so they are not kicking the round rocks to the road.
Alderman Crane mentioned that he will reach out to the resident of the trailer on Sterling Street.
Moved by Alderman Crane and seconded by Alderman Herndon to refresh and replace all “No Parking This Side” on LaHarpe from 15th Street to Baker Ave (every sign that is on that ordinance). All other requests have been denied from original request.
AYE: Chairman Bacidore, Alderman Ptak, Reynolds, Lavieri, Jeppson, Herndon, Crane
NAY: None Absent: NONE Abstain: None
Alderman Crane asked to add the discussion, to next agenda, in regards to looking into a solution to the parking at 11th & LaHarpe on the Northwest corner. Deputy Clerk Bader will put a notice out for this discussion to the community.
Mr. Haremski asked if there could be a sign added to Oconor and Zinc in regards to “Children Playing”. He mentioned how people do take that curve a little fast. He is concerned for a household that has children playing out there often. Alderman Crane did state that the family of that house does put a little green sign out currently but he does see this to be an issue and asked for this to be placed on the agenda for next meeting.
There were no more questions or comments from the public.
Moved by Alderman Reynolds and seconded by Alderman Crane to adjourn the meeting. Chairman Bacidore adjourned the meeting at 6:33 p.m.