
Illinois Valley Times

Friday, September 20, 2024

City of Marseilles City Council met July 2

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Catherine Strottner, Deputy City Clerk | City of Marseilles Website

Catherine Strottner, Deputy City Clerk | City of Marseilles Website

City of Marseilles City Council met July 2

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The City Council of the City of Marseilles met in the City Chamber of City Hall at the hour of 6:00 P.M. on July 2, 2024.

Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Roll call showed the following present: Mayor Hollenbeck, Commissioner Kaminski, Small, Scheib, and Buckingham. Absent: None.

Dawn McEmery pool manager was present to hand out gift cards to lifeguards Gavin Creed and Julian Danno. They were presented gifts for savings 2 men’s lives at the swimming pool.

Ryan Nelle with Infra-Metals presented a check for $10,000 to put towards the new Broadway Park shelter.

Moved by Commissioner Kaminski seconded by Commissioner Small that the minutes from the Council meeting of June 19, 2024 be approved as displayed and placed on file.

Ayes: Commissioner Kaminski, Small, Scheib, Buckingham, and Mayor Hollenbeck.

Nays: None.

Moved by Commissioner Kaminski seconded by Commissioner Buckingham that the accounts payable for the last half of June in the amount of $573,093.78 be approved and a warrant be drawn on the City Treasury for the said amount. Ayes: Commissioner Kaminski, Small, Buckingham, and Mayor Hollenbeck. Nays: Commissioner Scheib.

Moved by Commissioner Kaminski seconded by Commissioner Small that the payroll for the last half of June in the amount of $92,367.10 be approved and a warrant be drawn on the City Treasury for said amount. Ayes: Commissioner Kaminski, Small, Scheib, Buckingham, and Mayor Hollenbeck. Nays: None.

Moved by Commissioner Kaminski seconded by Commissioner Small that the operating budget for fiscal year 2024-2025 be approved. Ayes: Commissioner Kaminski, Small, Buckingham, and Mayor Hollenbeck. Nays: Commissioner Schieb.

Moved by Commissioner Kaminski seconded by Commissioner Buckingham that the Appropriation Ordinance for 2024-2025 be placed on file. Ayes: Commissioner Kaminski, Small, Scheib, Buckingham, and Mayor Hollenbeck. Nays: None.

Moved by Commissioner Scheib seconded by Commissioner Small that the bid from Universal Asphalt and Excavating for Ryall and Second Street in the amount of $326,999.59 be approved. Ayes: Commissioner Kaminski, Small, Scheib, Buckingham, and Mayor Hollenbeck. Nays: None.

Discussion regarding expanding Middle East Memorial Museum at 200 Riverfront Drive and eliminating the community center. Commissioner Schieb believes the space can be better used as a Middle East Memorial Museum and not a community room. Schieb does not want to knock down the existing wall from the museum to the community room, rather he’d like to expand the museum. Mayor Hollenbeck said he asked a week before the meeting for Commissioners Schieb and Buckingham to present revised plans and costs to the council for review. Attorney Cantlin suggested having a council workshop to discuss any proposed changes and only focus on the new building. Mayor Hollenbeck went over Robert’s Rules of Order explaining the final plans for the remodel of 200 Riverfront Drive have already been approved. Commissioner Small asked if there is a middle ground for the community room and museum. Small asked if part can be used for Community Room and the other part Museum. Commissioner Buckingham said there was no communication between him and others. He was never given plans for the remodel of City Hall and Police Department. He stated the plans should have been discussed in closed session. Attorney Cantlin said that is not a permissible reason to have closed session. She again suggested a workshop to discuss building plans in open session then vote on the matter later.

Mayor Hollenbeck thanked the Fun Days committee for all their hard work the past week. Marseilles Firemen’s car show will be held July 20, 2024 on Main Street.

Commissioner Small thanked her Police officers for their work during Fun Days.

Commissioner Schieb said the city needs to be more forward thinking because years ago things were neglected. Scheib said Rutland Street sidewalk project will be completed in August. Commissioner Buckingham said he believes the current community center West of town should be charged for 2 water meters.

Ashley Barnes-Underwood asked why her neighbor at 410 Wallace Street has not been fined for nuisance greenery. Commissioner Small stated she will address this with Chief Gordon and get back to her.

Moved by Commissioner Small seconded by Commissioner Buckingham adjourn to executive session authorized under section 2 © 2 Personnel of the Open Meetings Act and to approve closed session minutes. Ayes: Commissioner Kaminski, Small, Scheib, Buckingham, and Mayor Hollenbeck. Nays: None.

Moved by Commissioner Kaminski seconded by Commissioner Small the city council reconvene to regular session. Ayes: Commissioner Kaminski, Small, Scheib, Buckingham, and Mayor Hollenbeck. Nays: None.

Moved by Commissioner Buckingham seconded by Commissioner Kaminski that the City Council adjourns Ayes: Commissioner Kaminski, Small, Scheib, Buckingham, and Mayor Hollenbeck. Nays: None.
