
Illinois Valley Times

Thursday, September 19, 2024

City of Oglesby City Council met Aug. 5

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City Oglesby City Mayor Jason Curran | City of Oglesby Website

City Oglesby City Mayor Jason Curran | City of Oglesby Website

City of Oglesby City Council met Aug. 5

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1. Opening of Meeting

2. Roll call

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Public comment (agenda items only)

5. Approve Minutes from the July 22, 2024, Special Meeting

6. Approve Bills Presented for Payment in the Amount of $163,056.71

7. Approve Payroll for July 19, 2024, and August 2, 2024

8. Award Bid for Dry Bridge Water Main Loop (McDermott)

9. Send Augustyniak Site Plans to Plan Commission (Stefanelli)

10. Approve Travel Costs Associated with Illinois Municipal League Conference (Stefanelli)

11. Proposed Short Term Rental Ordinance (Stefanelli)

12. New Business

a. Summer Fun Fest Financial Report (Curran)

b. Travel Expenses by City Officials

13. Old Business

a. Illinois River Scenic Byway (Curran)

b. Building Incentive Grant (Façade & Utility Abatement) (Curran)

c. Approve New Home Property Tax Abatement with a kick-off event tentatively set for Sept. 28 to coincide with vacant building and lot tour (Curran)

14. Commissioner reports

15. Mayor’s report

16. Executive Session to discuss “the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees.” 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).

17. Direct the Attorney to prepare salary ordinances for the city clerk, chief of police and ambulance director.

18. Adjournment.
