Rhonda Bezely, Village Clerk | Shaw Local Website
Rhonda Bezely, Village Clerk | Shaw Local Website
Village of Ladd Village Board met Dec. 10
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Approve Minutes of the November 26, 2024 regular meeting
5. Authorize Payment of Bills $138,060.60
6. Correspondence
7. Public Comments
8. Reports
A. Committee
B. Village Engineer
C. General Superintendent
D. Police Chief
E. Building Inspector
F. Village Attorney
9. Old Business
10. New Business
A. Approve 2025 Meeting Dates
B. Discuss Application for Using STU (Surface Transporation Urban) Funds on E Cleveland Street in 2026
C. Discuss and Determine Water Tower Maintenance Bid
D. Discuss Outdoor Warning Siren Maintenance Renewal for 2025
E. Donation Request from IVCIL
F. Donation Request from Starved Rock Regional Center (formerly Easter Seals)
G. Donation Request from Gateway Services Inc.
H. Discuss Adding Additional Class A Liquor License for a total of 8 Class A and 11 Total Licenses per request from Pat Braboy
I. Pass Ordinance #1178-2024 An Ordinance Amending Ordinance #1020-2015 Entitled “An Ordinance Establishing an Enterprise Zone within the Village of Ladd, IL Said Enterprise Zone Being a Portion of a Larger Enterprise Zone Encompassing Contiguous Portions of the Cities of Princeton & Spring Valley, the Village of Granville, Hennepin, Ladd, and Mark and the Counties of Bureau & Putnam, Illinois
11. Announcements
12. Adjournment