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Mayor Robert Hasty's family | Mayor Robert HastyFacebook
City of Ottawa City Council met Feb. 18
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Present: Mayor Robert Hasty, Commissioners Wayne E. Eichelkraut Jr., Thomas G. Ganiere, Marla K. Pearson and Brent F. Barron.
Absent: None.
Commissioner Eichelkraut presented minutes of previous meeting.
Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that the minutes of a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Ottawa, Illinois, held on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, be approved as recorded in the permanent files of the City Clerk.
Second by Ganiere.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
A moment of silence was held in honor of Charlie Ellerbrock.
Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Biweekly Salary Payroll.
Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that the Biweekly Salary Payroll of February 14, 2025, in the amount of $612,108.37, be approved and warrants issued.
Second by Pearson.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Bimonthly Expense Report.
Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that the Bimonthly Expense Report dated February 18, 2025, showing expenses in the amount of $4,032,984.41, be approved and warrants issued.
Second by Barron.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Monthly Financial Report.
Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that the Monthly Financial Report of City Clerk, Shelly L. Roalson, for the month of January 2025, be received and placed on file.
Second by Ganiere.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Resolution.
Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that a Resolution approving and authorizing the execution of employment agreements for John Araujo and Frank Youngblood as part time NCAT Facilities Assistants, which has been on file for public inspection since February 4, 2025, be adopted.
Second by Pearson.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Resolution.
Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that a Resolution approving and authorizing the execution of employment agreements for Benjamin Clark as NCAT Facilities Assistant and Mariah Vickrey as NCAT Dispatch Supervisor, be received and placed on file for public inspection.
Second by Barron.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Ganiere presented Resolution.
Moved by Commissioner Ganiere that a Resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement between the City of Ottawa and Fire Engineering Training for online training software for the Fire Department, which has been on file for public inspection since February 4, 2025, be adopted.
Second by Eichelkraut.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Ganiere presented Resolution.
Moved by Commissioner Ganiere that a Resolution authorizing the execution of an engagement agreement between the City of Ottawa and I/O Solutions, for the entry level firefighter exam, which has been on file for public inspection since February 4, 2025, be adopted.
Second by Pearson.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Ganiere presented Resolution.
Moved by Commissioner Ganiere that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a proposal with Altorfer Power Systems for a generator for the South water tower to improve radio communications, be received and placed on file for public inspection.
Second by Barron.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Ganiere presented Resolution.
Moved by Commissioner Ganiere that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a proposal with Halm Electrical Contracting Inc. for installation services for the South water tower generator, be received and placed on file for public inspection.
Second by Eichelkraut.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Pearson presented Resolution.
Moved by Commissioner Pearson that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a proposal for structural engineering services by Chamlin & Associates Inc. for bridge inspections on Champlain Street, Post Street and the I-80 pedestrian bridge, be received and placed on file for public inspection.
Second by Ganiere.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Pearson presented Resolution.
Moved by Commissioner Pearson that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a proposal for professional engineering services by Chamlin & Associates Inc. for the south deck replacement project at IVCC, be received and placed on file for public inspection.
Second by Ganiere.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Pearson presented Quote.
Moved by Commissioner Pearson that the Quote received from Ottawa Masonry Inc. in the amount of $17,575.00 for the inspection, removal, and replacement of masonry at the IVCC building, be approved and paid for from the General Corporate Fund.
Second by Eichelkraut.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Pearson presented Quote.
Moved by Commissioner Pearson that the Quote received from Raynor Door Authority in the amount of $10,300.00 to replace the overhead door at the Police Department, be approved and paid for from the General Corporate Fund.
Second by Barron.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Pearson presented Resolution.
Moved by Commissioner Pearson that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a design and engineering inspection services agreement between the City of Ottawa and Renwick & Associates Inc., for the 2025 Curb Replacement Project, be received and placed on file for public inspection.
Second by Ganiere.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Pearson presented Resolution.
Moved by Commissioner Pearson that A Resolution authorizing the execution of a maintenance engineering agreement between the City of Ottawa and Renwick & Associates Inc., for the 2025 Street Maintenance program, be received and placed on file for public inspection.
Second by Eichelkraut.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Pearson presented Resolution.
Moved by Commissioner Pearson that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a proposal for professional design engineering services by Chamlin & Associates Inc for the Post Street bridge replacement, be received and placed on file for public inspection.
Second by Barron.
Commissioner Eichelkraut asked if we were getting a grant for this project. Pearson responded that we were doing the design as Phase 1 and then applying for IDOT funding.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Barron presented Resolution.
Moved by Commissioner Barron that a Resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement for professional services between the City of Ottawa and Fehr Graham, for the Main water treatment plant discharge study, which has been on file for public inspection since February 4, 2025, be adopted.
Second by Pearson.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Barron presented Resolution.
Moved by Commissioner Barron that a Resolution authorizing the execution of an engineering design services agreement between the City of Ottawa and Etscheid, Duttlinger & Associates Inc., for the 2025 Watermain replacements, which has been on file for public inspection since February 4, 2025, be adopted.
Second by Ganiere.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Barron presented Request.
Moved by Commissioner Barron that the City Clerk be authorized to advertise for Bids for the 2025 Caton Road watermain extension project. Bids will be received until Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at 10:00 a.m.
Second by Pearson.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Mayor Hasty presented Ordinance.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that an Ordinance approving and authorizing the execution of a TIF redevelopment agreement between the City of Ottawa and Ottawa Investment Group LLC, for property located at 603 LaSalle Street, be received and placed on file for public inspection.
Second by Barron.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Mayor Hasty presented Ordinance.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that an Ordinance approving and authorizing the execution of a TIF redevelopment agreement between the City of Ottawa and Ottawa Investment Group LLC, for property located at 616-618 Court Street, be received and placed on file for public inspection.
Second by Pearson.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Mayor Hasty presented Ordinance.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that an Ordinance declaring surplus revenue in the Ottawa I-80 North TIF District special tax allocation fund and authorizing payment of that surplus revenue to the LaSalle County Treasurer for distribution to affected taxing districts on a pro rata basis, be passed and approved.
Second by Ganiere.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Mayor Hasty presented Ordinance.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that an Ordinance declaring surplus revenue in the Ottawa US Route 6 East TIF District special tax allocation fund and authorizing payment of that surplus revenue to the LaSalle County Treasurer for distribution to affected taxing districts on a pro rata basis, be passed and approved.
Second by Pearson.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Mayor Hasty presented Ordinance.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that an Ordinance declaring surplus revenue in the Ottawa Downtown TIF District special tax allocation fund and authorizing payment of that surplus revenue to the LaSalle County Treasurer for distribution to affected taxing districts on a pro rata basis, be passed and approved.
Second by Barron.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Mayor Hasty presented Ordinance.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that an Ordinance declaring surplus revenue in the Ottawa Route 71 TIF District special tax allocation fund and authorizing payment of that surplus revenue to the LaSalle County Treasurer for distribution to affected taxing districts on a pro rata basis, be passed and approved.
Second by Ganiere.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a proposal between the City of Ottawa and Otis Elevator Company, which has been on file for public inspection February 4, 2025, be adopted.
Second by Pearson.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a fireworks display agreement between the City of Ottawa and J & M Displays Inc. for the 4th of July fireworks, be received and placed on file for public inspection.
Second by Pearson.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Mayor Hasty presented Annual Floodplain Management Progress Report.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that the Annual Floodplain Management Progress Report for calendar year 2024 from Building Official, Mathew W. Stafford, be received and placed on file.
Second by Barron.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Mayor Hasty presented Request.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that the Request for a fundraiser from Pet Project to collect donations on Saturday, June 7, 2025, from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. at the intersections of Norris Drive and Columbus Street and Norris Drive and LaSalle Street, be approved.
Second by Barron.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Mayor Hasty presented Request.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that the Request for a fundraiser from the Ottawa American Legion Auxiliary Unit #33 for their Annual Poppy Days from Thursday, May 22, 2025 through Saturday, May 24, 2025, at the intersections of Norris Drive and Columbus Street, be approved.
Second by Eichelkraut.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Mayor Hasty presented Resolution.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that a Resolution authorizing a settlement agreement between the City of Ottawa, AFSCME Local 2819, and Terrell Shepherd, regarding a personal day, be received and placed on file for public inspection.
Second by Barron.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None.
Commissioner Eichelkraut announced that the Special Events Committee is having an Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 19th.
Mayor Hasty presented motion to adjourn.
Moved by Mayor Hasty that this regular meeting be adjourned.
Second by Eichelkraut.
Ayes: Eichelkraut, Ganiere, Pearson, Barron, and Mayor Hasty.
Nays: None. Council adjourned at 7:18 p.m.