Unchanged number of lawyers with active licenses to practice in cities located within Bureau County in February compared to previous month
The number of lawyers with active licenses in cities in Bureau County in February remained the same in comparison to the previous month.
Cheapest diesel in cities across LaSalle County in week ending Mar. 15
The lowest price of diesel in cities throughout LaSalle County was found at two gas stations in the week ending Mar. 15, according to customer reports submitted to GasBuddy.com.
- Unchanged number of lawyers with active licenses to practice in cities located within Putnam County in February compared to previous month
- Where could drivers find the cheapest gas in cities within Bureau County in week ending Mar. 15?
- 1 less lawyer practicing in cities in LaSalle County in February
- Bureau County residents received $11,610 per capita in government transfers in 2022, ranking 73rd in Illinois
- Putnam County has no new registered sex offenders in week ending March 2
Data points
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Where were the cheapest places to fill up on E85 gas in cities in LaSalle County in week ending Mar. 8?
The only price of E85 gas in cities throughout LaSalle County was found at a single gas station in the week ending Mar. 8, according to customer reports submitted to GasBuddy.com.
Did Putnam County students fail or pass their 2023-24 mathematics tests?
Of the 318 students who took the IAR in the 2023-24 school year, 75.8% failed the mathematics portion of the test.
Bureau County: Income Maintenance made up 2.6% of total income in 2022
In 2022, Income Maintenance transfers made up 2.6% of income in Bureau County, providing an average of $1,361 per capita to residents.
Cheapest diesel in cities across LaSalle County in week ending Mar. 8
The lowest price of diesel in cities throughout LaSalle County was found at three gas stations in the week ending Mar. 8, according to customer reports submitted to GasBuddy.com.
How many Bureau County students failed their mathematics IAR during 2023-24 school year?
Of the 1,843 students who took the IAR in the 2023-24 school year, 77.6% failed the mathematics portion of the test.
Bureau County residents paid 50th-largest sum in sales taxes in Illinois during December 2024
Bureau County residents paid $373,235 in sales taxes, the 50th highest total paid per county in December 2024.
LaSalle County students and their mathematics performance in 2023-24 school year
Of the 6,003 students who took the IAR in the 2023-24 school year, 78% failed the mathematics portion of the test.
How many lawyers were granted admission to practice law in cities within Bureau County in February?
Cities within Bureau County recorded 14 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of February.
Bureau County collects $36,767 in County Sales Tax in December 2024
In December 2024, Bureau County saw a decrease in County Sales Tax collection compared to the previous month.
Where were the cheapest places to fill up on regular gas in cities in Putnam County in week ending Mar. 8?
The lowest price of regular gas in cities throughout Putnam County was found at two gas stations in the week ending Mar. 8, according to customer reports submitted to GasBuddy.com.